Drama as suspected thief seeks refuge under a bus to escape lynching

Incident comes after the government warned the youth against crime.

In Summary
  • The suspect had been marked wanted by an irate crowd after  stealing from one of the members of the public.

  • Police who got wind of the dram swiftly responded top the situation and saved the suspect from lynching.

Drama ensued at a Nairobi CBD on Tuesday after a suspected thief took cover under the bus to escape lynching from  members of the public.

The suspect had been marked wanted by an irate crowd  that was baying for his blood after  stealing from one of the members of the public.

Police who got wind of the drama and swiftly responded to the situation and saved the suspect from lynching.

Police went away with him.

The incident come a day after the government warned the youth against crime. 

While addressing the youth in sheng, Nairobi Governor Johnson  Sakaja said times are tough but mugging people on the streets is not an option.

"Vijana, crime sio fiti, ata kama ni kunoma, kupiga watu ngeta sio poa . Na mkishikwa msinipigie juu itakua noma," he said.

Loosely translated to, "Crime is bad. I know times are tough, but mugging people on the streets is not good. If arrested, don't call me, it will be serious business."


His statement came after a meeting with Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome. 

Officials said the meeting was called to discuss ways of taming increasing crime in the city. 

Residents say there is an increasing trend in muggings, robbery with violence and murder in the city.

As part of efforts to address the menace, Sakaja banned hawkers and street families from occupying and conducting business on footbridges within the city.

On Monday, the National Police Service released a list of crime hotspots in Nairobi, warning the public to avoid them at all costs.

The marked areas include Thika highway; along the Drive-In flyover to KCA, KCA underpass and Total exit.

Globe Cinema and Kipande road are also listed.

Others are ABC Place and Kangemi along Waiyaki Way, and parts of CBD including River Road, Archives, Kirinyaga Road and Fig Tree.

Police said the gangs are involved in robbery with violence, carjacking, assaults, burglaries and murder.

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