IEBC squabbles

Chebukati meets Cherera at suspended polls talks

Cherera and other three dissenting commissioners are present.

In Summary

•Chebukati is leading talks with candidates from affected electoral units in which the commission suspended elections.

IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati, Vice Chair Juliana Cherera and commissioner Justus Nyang'aya meeting candidates at Bomas of Kenyaon August 22,2022
IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati, Vice Chair Juliana Cherera and commissioner Justus Nyang'aya meeting candidates at Bomas of Kenyaon August 22,2022

IEBC chairman Wafula Chebukati is currently holding a meeting with all commissioners at the Bomas of Kenya.

Chebukati is leading talks with candidates from affected electoral units in which the commission suspended elections.

The gubernatorial elections for Kakamega and Mombasa were to be held on August 23 but Chebukati last week said they had been postponed indefinitely.

Parliamentary elections in Rongai, Kitui rural, Kacheliba and Pokot South were also called off.

Present at Bomas include vice chairperson Juliana Cherera and commissioners Abdi Guliye, Boya Molu, Justus Nyang’aya, Irene Masit and Francis Wanderi.

This is the first time that Chebukati is meeting all the commissioners after Cherera led three of her colleagues -Nyang'anya, Masit and Wanderi in disowning the presidential results.

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