Mystery as outspoken MP vanishes from House proceedings
Some colleagues claim the lawmaker no longer picks calls even from close friends.
They are now exploring ways of silencing the politico, who is infamous for a loose tongue.
In Summary
A FIRST-TERM LAWMAKER who has been threatening the managing director of a state corporation has panicked. Corridors of Power understands the MD, who has endured the MP’s harassment and financial demands for months, has reported the politician to a powerful figure. The MP is now scared of facing the wrath of the political godfather who held the legislator’s hand to win the seat. The politician has repeatedly apologised to the MD since learning about the turn of events.
MEMBERS OF A powerful team formed to advise the state are concerned about a wounded top political leader. They are worried the man could expose their dirty deals. It’s said the man understands how the members of the team used their positions to cut multimillion-dollar deals for themselves and their cronies to the detriment of the state. The politician has been giving indications he would expose the rot in the team. They are now exploring ways of silencing the politico, who is infamous for a loose tongue.
THE CHAIRMAN OF an influential parliamentary committee, who was initially among those lined up for ouster over his ties with a certain politician, is a relieved man. The MP plans to throw a huge bash after word went around that the powers that be have shelved the planned bloodbath. The ecstatic official has not shied away from sharing his happiness to whoever cares to listen, saying he had feared losing the perks and deals that come with the position.
A NEW EMPLOYEE of a CDF board attached to a first-term controversial MP from Western has run into problems with local contractors. He is accused of colluding with the MP to issue non-existent CDF tenders. The scheme has transformed the man into an overnight millionaire. But the contractors have been baying for his blood. The MP has reportedly gone into hiding in Nairobi, leaving his spanner boy in the village. The contractors are now appealing to the leadership of the CDF board to come to their rescue. They want the board to compel its notorious employee to return funds he solicited from them. They have vowed to teach him a lesson if no action is taken.
If you have any tips send them to [email protected]
Some colleagues claim the lawmaker no longer picks calls even from close friends.
They have allegedly been keen not to share any podium.