Kenya will be haunted for abandoning freedom fighters — elders

They were maimed and killed only for home guards to enjoy the spoils, says wa Kiago

In Summary

• As Kenya celebrates Mashujaa Day, Mau Mau veterans remain a bitter lot

• They blame 'modern-day home guards' for the country's economic crisis 

Kikuyu Council of Elders chairman Wachira wa Kiago with other elders during a meeting with the Kikuyu community at a past event at their headquarters in Ruaka, Kiambaa constituency, Kiambu county
Kikuyu Council of Elders chairman Wachira wa Kiago with other elders during a meeting with the Kikuyu community at a past event at their headquarters in Ruaka, Kiambaa constituency, Kiambu county

The Kikuyu Council of Elders says Kenya will regret its neglect of freedom fighters.

Speaking to the Star in Kiambu, their chairman Wachira wa Kiago said the country was liberated from the yolk of colonialists by freedom fighters, who were maimed and killed not for themselves but for generations to come. 

"The war heroes have been lied to by the government that their dignity will be restored for their price of freedom by being honoured, yet most are living in abject poverty," Kiago said.

"Their blood will continue to haunt the country."

The elders said it is high time the government honours the freedom fighters as they have been promised for far too long.

They said it is very unfair that as the country moves on since Independence, there are Kenyans who would not want other Kenyans to enjoy and be proud of their country and its property.

Kiago said some Kenyans have sabotaged the economy through illegal cartels that hide money in foreign countries as Kenyans grapple with poverty.

"There are people who would not want other Kenyans to have anything or be proud of their independence. They have as much money in their bank accounts as other Kenyans live in poverty," Kiago said.

Kiago equated the saboteurs of the economy to the home guards who were saboteurs to freedom fighters during the struggle for independence.

"We are not yet out of the woods to be finally free and independent as Kenya as we are not free from poverty, yet there are only a few Kenyans with a lot of money, yet the wealth is ill-gotten or selfishly gotten," Kiago said.

The elders said most Kenyans occupy only a few spaces where they live, while a few individuals own huge chunks of land that are idle.

"We have Kenyans starving whereas there is land that can be planted with food crops that can cushion the country against starvation," the Kiago said.

The elders said it was unfortunate that no action can be taken against the home guards and urged them to repent.

"Do you think these home guards can live a happy life when they have all the money and properties as other Kenyans continue to starve and are homeless, yet their wealth is gotten through cartel dealings and sabotage?" Kiago said.

The elders said the government should be steadfast in fighting corruption.

"We need to name and shame those who are sabotaging the economy and fight cartels and most of all fight corruption by all means," Kiago said.

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