BRICS call for immediate ceasefire of conflict in Sudan

They also called for humanitarian assistance to Sudan and neighboring states.

In Summary
  • They reassured their support for African peace efforts on the continent, including those undertaken by the African Union, and African sub-regional organisations.
  • The Ministers commended the efforts and achievements of African countries in their pursuit of peace and development.
BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs/International Relations during a meeting in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia Federation on June 10, 2024.
BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs/International Relations during a meeting in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia Federation on June 10, 2024.

The BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs/International Relations have called for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire and peaceful resolution of the conflict in Sudan.

They also called for unimpeded access of the Sudanese population to humanitarian assistance, and the scaling up of humanitarian assistance to Sudan and neighbouring states.

In a joint statement by the Ministers during a meeting on Monday in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia Federation, they commended efforts undertaken by African countries, the African Union, African sub-regional organisations and the United Nations in promoting the peace process in South Sudan.

They also acknowledged the stabilisation of the situation in the Central African Republic, as well as the success of the government of Mozambique supported by the Southern African Development Community (SADC) in counteraction to the terrorist threat in the North of the country.

Further, they reiterated that the principle of "African solutions to African problems" should continue to serve as the basis for conflict resolution on the continent.

They also reassured their support for African peace efforts on the continent, including those undertaken by the African Union, and African sub-regional organisations.

The Ministers commended the efforts and achievements of African countries in their pursuit of peace and development.

They however expressed serious concern over the prevailing conflicts and the continuing threats posed by terrorist organisations in various sub-regions of Africa.

The Ministers also expressed concern over the remaining conflict potential in the Sahel region, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the Great Lakes Region, and in the Horn of Africa, particularly in Sudan as well as the growing activity of numerous terrorist groups and insurgents.

They also expressed serious concern with the ongoing deterioration of the security, humanitarian, political and economic situation in other parts of the world, in particular, Haiti.

They stressed that the current crisis requires a Haitian-led solution that encompasses national dialogue and consensus-building among local political forces, institutions and society.

BRICS called on the international community to support the Haitian endeavours to dismantle the gangs, enhance the security situation and put in place the foundations for long-lasting social and economic development in the country.

Further, they emphasised the need for an urgent peaceful settlement in Afghanistan to strengthen regional security and stability.

The Ministers advocated for Afghanistan as an independent, united and peaceful state free from terrorism, war and drugs.

They urged for more visible and verifiable measures in Afghanistan to ensure that the territory of Afghanistan is not used by terrorists.

They stressed the need to provide urgent and uninterrupted humanitarian assistance to the Afghan people and to safeguard the fundamental rights of all Afghans including women, girls and different ethnic groups.

Overall, the Ministers expressed strong condemnation of any acts of terrorism as criminal and unjustifiable, regardless of their motivation, whenever, wherever and by whomsoever committed.

They reiterated that terrorism should not be associated with any religion, nationality, civilisation or ethnic group.

They "reaffirmed their commitment to combating terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, including the cross-border terrorism and terrorism financing and safe havens," the statement read.

They stated that all those involved in terrorist activities and their support must be held accountable and brought to justice per international law.

The  Ministers called for zero tolerance to terrorism and rejected double standards in anti-terrorist activities.

During the meeting, the Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening the framework of the BRICS Strategic Partnership under the three pillars of cooperation.

This includes politics and security, economy and finance, cultural and people-to-people exchanges.

They reaffirmed their commitment to the BRICS spirit featuring mutual respect and understanding, equality, solidarity, openness, inclusiveness, and consensus.

The membership of the BRICS includes Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa with new members Egypt, Iran, UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Ethiopia joining the grouping in 2023.

Russia took over the chairmanship of BRICS on January 1, 2024.

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