
Kisii man arrested for allegedly trafficking bhang

He was escorted to Suneka Police Station for further processing.


News08 July 2024 - 11:46

In Summary

  • DCI has said that Kisii Law enforcers had engaged in a hot pursuit of the suspect as they had gotten wind of his illicit trade.

Police in Kisii have arrested a 42-year-old man for allegedly trafficking 146 kilograms of bhang along the Kisii-Migori highway.

The narcotics were packed in 6 sacks.

DCI has said that Kisii Law enforcers had engaged in a hot pursuit of the suspect as they had gotten wind of his illicit trade.

He was escorted to Suneka Police Station for further processing.

The driver of the motor vehicle managed to escape.

“The vehicle got stuck in a ditch to the disappointment of the determined occupants. Even so, the driver managed to scamper into nearby thickets and hold up” said the DCI

DCI has said that the pursuit of the escapee is ongoing.

The driver of the vehicle carrying the alleged drug sped off even after police officers at the Iyabe Bomokora area roadblock intercepted the vehicle for a search.

Another number plate was also discovered inside the vehicle.

The seized narcotics and the motor vehicle were detained at Kisii Central Police Station as exhibits.


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