Why Senate convened special sitting today

The Senators are currently on a three-week-long recess and are set to resume sittings on June 25.

In Summary
  • In a gazette notice, Speaker Amaskn Kingi said the sitting will be held at 2.30 pm in the senate chambers at parliament buildings.
  • Kingi said the lawmakers will consider among others the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (Amendment Bill),2024.
Senate speaker Amason Kingi follows proceedings in the Assembly
Senate speaker Amason Kingi follows proceedings in the Assembly
Image: FILE

Senators have convened a special sitting on Tuesday afternoon to consider several Bills currently pending before the House.

In a gazette notice, Speaker Amaskn Kingi said the sitting will be held at 2.30 pm in the senate chambers at parliament buildings.

Kingi said the lawmakers will consider among others the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (Amendment Bill),2024.

The Bill seeks to tweak the composition of the IEBC selection panel to pave the way for the recruitment of the new electoral agency commissioners.

Already, the National Assembly has approved the Bill that originated from the National Dialogue Committee (Nadco).

"In accordance with standing order 35(5) of the Senate Standing Orders, the business specified in this notice shall be the only business before the Senate," Kingi said in the notice.

The Senators will also consider the County Allocation of Revenue Bill, 2024.

The Bill seeks to divide among the 47 counties, the Sh400 billion allocated to the devolved units in the Division of Revenue Act.

President William Ruto signed into law the mediated version of the Division of Revenue Bill, 2024.

The Act splits between the National and county governments' Revenues generated nationally.

The lawmakers will also consider The County Governments Additional Allocation Bill that gives billions to counties in grants.

The Senators are currently on a three-week-long recess and are set to resume sittings on June 25.

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