Do you think Muguka should be banned?

Mombasa, Kilifi and Taita Taveta counties banned the use and sale of the product.

In Summary
  • President William Ruto held talks with Embu leaders and Coast governors who imposed the ban in their counties.
  • Ruto said muguka is a scheduled crop in accordance with the Crops Act 2013 and the Miraa Regulations 2023.

The ban on Muguka in three counties in the coastal region has elicited mixed reactions across the country.

Muguka leaves.
MUGUKA: Muguka leaves.

The ban on Muguka in three counties in the coastal region has elicited mixed reactions across the country.

Mombasa, Kilifi and Taita Taveta counties banned the use and sale of the product.

Mombasa County government was the first to announce the ban on the sale and distribution of muguka.

Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir said it is too easily available in the area and is owed to cases of mental health problems.

In an Executive Order dated May 22, Mombasa Governor Nassir said no vehicles carrying the products would be allowed entry into the county.

However, the court on Tuesday suspended the ban until July 8 pending an inter partes hearing.

President William Ruto held talks with Embu leaders and Coast governors who imposed the ban in their counties.

Ruto said muguka is a scheduled crop in accordance with the Crops Act 2013 and the Miraa Regulations 2023.

He ordered the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock to convene a meeting with stakeholders and address concerns raised on the sale and use of muguka.

A section of Kenyans expressed their support for the ban while others claimed Muguka is a source of their livelihoods.

Content creator and businessman Wilson Wainana opposed the ban saying that it is a stimulant just like other products.

"Muguka is just a normal stimulant, they could have regulated some other drugs. They should not attack muguka which is a cash crop," he said.

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