Tamed graft, failed land dealings to blame for standoff with MPs—Wamatangi

Governor says his refusal to collude in looting public funds got him attacked and started receiving threats

In Summary
  • Wamatangi  said his refusal to collude with the unnamed MPs to allegedly loot the county coffers through dubious land grabbing and other dealings got him attacked.
  • Says he found notable people, including politicians, had started a process to dubiously acquire the 100-acre land ceded by Del Monte.
Kiambu Governor Kimani Wamatangi with MCS Joseph Kibuu (Chania) and Patrick Mwangi (Mang'u) at Gatundu North on Wednesday.
Kiambu Governor Kimani Wamatangi with MCS Joseph Kibuu (Chania) and Patrick Mwangi (Mang'u) at Gatundu North on Wednesday.
Kiambu Governor Kimani Wamatangi at Nyamang'ara village in Gatundu North on Wednesday.
Kiambu Governor Kimani Wamatangi at Nyamang'ara village in Gatundu North on Wednesday.

Kiambu Governor Kimani Wamatangi now blames the wrangles between him and some MPs on an attempt by some lawmakers to seize public land in Thika surrendered by food processing company Del Monte.

He said his refusal to collude with the unnamed MPs to allegedly loot the county coffers through dubious land grabbing and other dealings got him attacked and started receiving threats including coercions that he would be dethroned from office.

Speaking in Gatundu North constituency while distributing part of the Sh200 million that his administration has released to support the education of needy learners across the county, Wamatangi said trouble began when he took office.

Wamatangi said he found notable people, including politicians, had started a process to dubiously acquire the 100-acre land ceded by Del Monte after reportedly coercing former administration.

When the food processing firm eventually surrendered 695 acres, his administration gazetted 325 acres for use to establish Export Processing Zone (EPZ) edging out individuals who were eying the prime land.

“Del Monte had ceded 100-acre land whose title was not handed over to the county. When I became the governor, the county was allocated 690 more acres. Cartels including politicians started crafting a way to grab the land but I refused. I told them to write letters indicating the development projects they intend to undertake on the public land, that is when they started fighting me,” Wamatangi said.

During the bursary cheques distribution at Githobokoni and Mang’u wards, MCAs led by Patrick Mwangi (Mang’u) and Moses Kiarie (Githobokoni) lauded the county’s initiative to support the education of the needy to undertake learning uninterrupted.

The two said the local government had tripled the kitty allocated by previous administrations thereby ensuring education for all, their backgrounds notwithstanding.

“The increased bursary kitty will enable more learners to remain in school and study uninterrupted. The implication of this is elimination of illiteracy which will see our children go for their dreams including becoming doctors, pilots among other careers. This is the first time my ward is receiving Sh7 million in a single bursary issuance event and this will go a long way in ensuring all learners are in school,” Mwangi said.

Among other projects, the MCAs welcomed construction of modern ECDE facilities with playing equipment, teachers offices and good playgrounds to enhance the education of children.

The conducive learning environment, they said, will enable the children to concentrate with their education, giving them a better foundation for a better future.

There has been a long-standing dispute between Kiambu Members of Parliament and the county government over control of market projects.

On several occasions the legislators who include National Assembly Majority Leader Kimani Ichung'wah (Kikuyu) have gone ahead to launch various market projects.


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