Ruto US visit has so far earned Kenya over Sh600bn – Mwaura

Mwaura said benefits of the president's trip far outweigh all other considerations.

In Summary
  • Mwaura said Kenya has received Sh3.2 billion for the Kenya Literacy Program for Grade 1-3 children and 16 helicopters to bolster regional peace and security.
  • Mwaura said the benefits of the President's trip far outweigh all other considerations.
Government Spokesperson Isaac Mwaura.
Government Spokesperson Isaac Mwaura.

Government Spokesman Isaac Mwaura says President William Ruto's visit to the United States has borne fruits for the country.

In a statement on Thursday, Mwaura said Ruto's state visit has benefited Kenyans with over Sh600 billion worth of grants equipment and projects.

Mwaura said Kenya has received Sh3.2 billion for the Kenya Literacy Program for Grade 1-3 children and 16 helicopters to bolster regional peace and security.

The country, he said, has also received Sh291 million to improve prisons and Sh924 million for the modernisation and professionalisation of the National Police Service.

Mwaura said another Sh5.2 billion is for Democracy, Human Rights and Governance programming, Sh198 million for support towards electoral reforms ahead of the 2027 elections and Sh561 million for anticorruption initiatives.

"We have also received Sh477 billion for a six lane Dual Nairobi - Mombasa carriageway that will reduce travel to 4.5 hours, Sh22.8 billion investment plan with Coca-Cola that will help generate over 3,000 jobs and Microsoft is set to invest over Sh130 billion for AI models development and research including in Kiswahili language," he said.

According to the government spokesman, other benefits include KDF soldiers being trained at US Military, Naval and Air Force academies, construction of a 3-kilometre runway at Manda Bay airfield in Lamu and provision of support to local universities and Non-Profit Organisations.

Mwaura said the benefits of the President's trip far outweigh all other considerations.

The President is currently on day two of the three-day state visit to the US.

Ruto was welcomed to the White House by US President Joe Biden as he began his visit.

On Thursday, the President and Biden addressed a joint press conference and later held a meeting at the White House Oval Office.

The government spokesman on Tuesday said Ruto’s US trip was an honour to the country considering he is the first African president to be invited for a state visit by the leader of the superpower in 16 years.

He termed as nonsensical concerns from some quarters about the cost of the president's US trip saying those questioning the economic implications of the travel on the exchequer were missing the bigger picture.

The question was raised during an interaction with students at the Rift Valley Institute of Science and Technology where he had paid a courtesy call to the institution’s principal.

“The President has gone as the elder of the Kenyan community and you are asking what the cost of fare is yet he will come back with more than that fare in millions.”

Mwaura said those harbouring such questions are unpatriotic and do not love their country.

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