"Habari? Mzuri sana! Obama meets Ruto at Blair House

The two leaders embraced each other with Obama greeting Ruto in Swahili.

In Summary
  • Obama expressed his gratitude on seeing President Ruto saying that it was good to see him again.
  • Ruto met Obama prior to being officially received at the White House.

President William Ruto on Thursday met former US President Barrack Obama at Blair House. Subscribe for more videos: https://bit.ly/2mPyDy3

Former US President Barrack Obama and and President William Ruto holding talks on Thursday, May 23, 2024 during his US state visit.
Former US President Barrack Obama and and President William Ruto holding talks on Thursday, May 23, 2024 during his US state visit.
Image: PCS

President William Ruto on Thursday met former US President Barrack Obama at Blair House.

The two leaders embraced each other with Obama greeting Ruto in Swahili.

Obama expressed his gratitude on seeing President Ruto saying that it was good to see him again.

"Habari?" Obama greeted Ruto.

"Mzuri sana," the President replied as he asked Obama how he has been since they met.

"Everything is going on well so far," Obama said. He welcomed President Ruto to Washington DC.

The two leaders held a brief meeting at the Blair House.

Ruto met Obama prior to being officially received at the White House.

Obama, the 44th President of the United States, was born of a Kenyan father.

He previously made visits to Kenya while serving as Senator and later on as President of the US.

Obama's last visit to Kenya was in July 2018, after he left office  paving way for Donald Trump to assume the reigns of power.

Ruto was on Thursday accorded full military honours complete with a 21 Gun Salute during the State Arrival Ceremony held at the White House, Washington DC.

The President and First Lady Rachel Ruto were welcomed at the event by President Joe Biden and First Lady Dr Jill Biden.

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