Come we work together - Gachagua now urges Uhuru

He said election period is over and they should now work together for the benefit of Kenyans.

In Summary
  • The DP has on several occasions called on the people of Mt Kenya to embrace peace and support each other.
  • Gachagua urged leaders to concentrate on service delivery to the people and stop engaging in succession politics.
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua speaking at Kianyaga shopping center on May 21, 2024.
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua speaking at Kianyaga shopping center on May 21, 2024.
Image: DPCS

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has expressed willingness to work with former President Uhuru Kenyatta for the sake of Mt Kenya unity.

While addressing Kianyaga residents on Tuesday, the DP said that the election period is over and they should work together to benefit Kenyans.

Gachagua said by uniting, they shall develop the region and the country.

"Uhuru Kenyatta is our son, he should come so that we unite, is that okay? Do you have a problem with him? The election period is over. We should unite as one region and love each other. If we fail to unite, love each other and agree, we shall find ourselves in difficult situations," he said.

The DP further asked the residents if they approved him and the former president to work together.

"Do you want us to unite? How many of you want us to unite and be one team?" he posed.

The DP has on several occasions called on the people of the Mt Kenya region to embrace peace and support each other.

Gachagua urged leaders to concentrate on service delivery to the people and stop engaging in succession politics.

He pleaded with the leaders to continue working together for the people.

"Those people talking about who will be what should stop, there are those talking about 2032, only God knows who will become what so let's remain united, "Gachagua said.

In March, the DP extended an apology to Mama Ngina Kenyatta, the mother to former President Uhuru for the rift that occurred in 2022.

Gachagua expressed remorse over the disrespectful behaviour exhibited towards Mama Ngina during the heightened political activities of the last general election.

Acknowledging the divisive atmosphere of the political landscape at the time, he emphasised the importance of unity and respect within the Mt Kenya community.

He pledged to work towards fostering unity and healing the wounds of past political rivalries, stressing the need to uphold respect for elders.

"In 2022, politics had deteriorated to a deplorable state. There was a regrettable lack of respect, with insults being hurled at Mama Ngina, and I'm very sorry for that. We humbly request her forgiveness," Gachagua said.

He emphasised the importance of respecting the former President, highlighting his significant role within the Kikuyu community.

“He is our son and we love him. I directed the regional leaders to desist from attacking the retired President. We still love him, if he wronged us, that is past and it’s not meaningful as all we need is peace and unity of our people, ”Gachagua said.

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