How EACC averted loss of Sh4.74 billion public funds - report

EACC carried out 16 proactive investigations which averted the loss of the amount

In Summary
  • CEO Twalib Mbarak noted that the move is among the proactive measures that EACC has undertaken to forestall possible loss of public resources.
  • The report highlighted the cases where the losses were averted through disruption.
Ethics and Anti- Corruption Commission Chairperson David Oginde with CEO Twalib Mbarak during the launch of the annual report on activities and financial statements for the year 2022/2023 in Nairobi on May 14,2024
Ethics and Anti- Corruption Commission Chairperson David Oginde with CEO Twalib Mbarak during the launch of the annual report on activities and financial statements for the year 2022/2023 in Nairobi on May 14,2024

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission has averted possible loss of public funds approximated at Sh4.74 billion in the Financial Year 2022/23.

This is according to the commission's annual report of its activities for the said period which was launched on Tuesday.

The report says EACC carried out 16 proactive investigations which averted the loss of the aforementioned amount.

CEO Twalib Mbarak noted that the move is among the proactive measures that EACC has undertaken to forestall possible loss of public resources.

The report highlighted the cases where the losses were averted through disruption.

Among them is an inquiry into allegations of embezzlement of funds by senior officials through payment of salaries to 105 ghost workers between the years 2016 to 2022 at the National Museums of Kenya.

Here, EACC stated that it ensured that the payments stopped, averting a loss of Sh2.5 billion.

It also ensured that Sh1,760,424,000 public funds were saved from loss following a probe into allegations of irregular compensation to fishermen whose economic livelihood had been affected by the establishment of Lamu Port.

The EACC also stopped payments saving Sh98,818,252 after an inquiry into allegations of misappropriation of World Bank funds.

The funds were from a grant through the Department of Livestock, Fisheries, Agriculture and Environment meant to assist registered community groups in FY2021/2022 in Kilifi County.

The report also states that the commission was able to avert losses amounting to Sh80 million after stopping tenders in Siaya County.

This was in a case of inquiry into allegations of procurement irregularities in tenders for the supply and delivery of fertilisers and for the supply and delivery of certified maize seeds in the Financial Year 2022/2023.

EACC also averted losses from Kisumu and Bomet counties amounting to Sh61,545,939 and Sh47,323,025 respectively, after stopping some payments.

In Kisumu, it had conducted investigations into allegations of procurement irregularities and fraudulent payments by public officers for 18 tenders in FYs 2020/2021 and 2021/2022.

In Bomet, EACC conducted an inquiry into allegations of procurement irregularities and fraudulent payments in 11 tenders for routine maintenance of 11 roads for FY2021/2022.

Additionally, public funds amounting to Sh40 million were averted from loss after the anti-corruption body conducted a probe into alleged irregular allocation of public land to private developers.

This affected the Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation where the development on the land parcel was stopped.

The report also showed that an investigation into allegations of procurement irregularities in 18 tenders for construction of schools in FYs 2013/14 and 2014/15 by Seme Constituency led to the stopping of said tenders, saving Sh35 million.

Further, EACC averted the loss of Sh28,965,200, after an inquiry into allegations of irregular award of tender for the procurement, supply, installation, customisation, configuration and training of e-Assembly System Phase 1 via two tenders in the County Assembly of Busia. 

Public funds amounting to Sh25,018,853 were saved after EACC ensured that payments to an ECD Teacher in Nyamira County stopped. 

In Busia County, the loss of Sh31,993,520 was averted after the commission conducted probes into allegations of irregular payments for a fictitious contract in FY 2022/2023, and allegations of fraudulent payments to a company in a fictitious.

EACC also averted a loss of Sh20 million following an inquiry into allegations of irregular lease of National Cereals and Produce Board –Garissa Depot Land to a private developer.

It ensured that construction works on the land were suspended.

It also saved Sh16 million in Kitui County after stopping payments when it conducted investigations into allegations of irregular procurement of supply, installation, commissioning and training of 10 Digital Mobile X-ray machines via a tender awarded.

In two cases, EACC occasioned the cancelling of recruitments in both Busia County and Kenya Export Promotion and Branding Agency.

This followed inquiries into allegations of irregular recruitment of staff and senior staff respectively, contrary to the approved staff establishment.

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