
Narok governor put to task over audit queries

The Auditor General flagged several unexplained expenditures


News15 May 2024 - 04:18

In Summary

  • • Ntutu was told to explain why the county government continues to be flagged over the diversion of funds and duplication of requisitions.
  • • The county government is also on the spot over misclassification of expenditure, double requisition and improper presentation of financial documents.
Governor Patrick ole Ntutu celebrates one year in office on October 18, 2023.

A Senate watchdog team on Monday put Narok Governor Patrick ole Ntutu on the spot over audit queries flagged by Auditor General Nancy Gathungu.

The Senate County Public Accounts and Investments Committee told Ntutu to explain why the county government continues to be flagged over the diversion of funds and duplication of requisitions.

This even as the anti-graft agency flagged the county for being notorious for spending outside the integrated financial management information system (Ifmis), contrary to the law.

This came as senators called for head of the finance and economic planning CEC David ole Muntet and the county’s director of Ifmis to be fired or reshuffled.

The panel chaired by Homa Bay Senator Moses Kajwang’ asked the governor to explain why his administration continues to retain incompetent senior officers.

The officers were flagged for preparing shambolic financial statements, with more than Sh300 million unaccounted for.

The county government is also on the spot over misclassification of expenditure, double requisition and improper presentation of financial documents.

“This is not acceptable when there are professionals employed to handle such matters,” Kajwang’ said.

“We will be ruthless on the individuals because you have got people you have employed who are just deadwood. They cannot do what they are employed to do.” 

Narok Senator Ledama Olekina said, “All these point to incompetence and something has to be done. The CEC finance is incompetent. This clandestine manner of responding to audit queries must stop.” 

Gathungu, in her audit report for financial year ending June 30, 2021, flagged unsupported adjustments amounting to Sh317 million.

Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei asked the county chief to explain why administrative action has not been taken on officers involved, despite the financial statements attracting the worst audit opinion.

“We need to write to ICPAK to take action on the officers involved in the preparation of the financial statements with adverse opinion for professional misconduct,” he said.

However, Governor Ntutu said the director of Ifmis is the one responsible for the reconciliation and the current one assumed office in October 2022.

He said he has also changed the finance minister and the chief finance officer in an effort to cure the issues raised by the auditor.

But Olekina questioned why the governor is not admitting that even after making the changes, there have been continued duplication of requisitions and diversion of funds. 

He accused the county government of sending a requisition to the Controller of Budget but after approval, spent the money somewhere else.

“Why is it that every time you request for money through Ifmis, it works but when it comes to reconciliation, the system does not work?” Kisii Senator Richard Onyonka posed.

Senator Kajwang’ raised the issue of how Sh246 million spent on fuel, oil and lubricants reflected on the financial statement, but not on Ifmis.

He charged that reconciliation should be done monthly and before the 10th of every month and so someone is asleep on their job.

“Since 2013 to date, no one has seen it fit to engage the National Treasury to solve the issues not until March 4, 2024. Why should the director of Ifmis continue being paid?” Kajwang’ posed.

Busia Senator Okiya Omtatah said, “This is a classic case of voiding procurement and money being used somewhere else. They void a transaction and spend outside Ifmis but are not smart enough to have the figures match.” 

Muntet admitted his officers still have capacity issues dealing with Ifmis, while also claiming the system has some problems.

According to the EACC, Narok county has been notorious for failing to use Ifmis, with accounting officers in different departments having no access to the system and only signing authority to incur expenditure (AIE) authorisation for expenditure with Ifmis in the finance department.

“Funds are requisitioned through Ifmis but once they are approved, they are transferred to commercial bank accounts in large sums and spent outside Ifmis,” EACC said.

Governor Ntutu, however, said things have changed in the county in regard to how they do their requisition.

Kajwang’ said they will come up with a list of shame of all accounting officers whose reports have attracted either disclaimer or adverse opinion.

“We must move a motion in the Senate to say such officers are unfit to hold public office.”

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