We'll use special forces to stop hardcore bandit commanders - Kindiki

The Interior CS insisted that Operation Maliza Uhalifu would continue uninterrupted.

In Summary

•Interior CS Kindiki stated that in order for the State to ruthlessly pursue the livestock rustlers,  they are deploying the same measures which were deployed to tackle terrorism.

•Kindiki stated that President William Ruto has given us very clear and firm instructions to deal with the shame of banditry and livestock rustling.

Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki on Monday said the ministry is adding more personnel to address banditry in the North Rift and Eastern region. https://rb.gy/okmmn5

Interior Cabinet Secretary speaking during a security briefing at Meru North at Kibiru Grounds, Tigania West on March 4, 2024
Interior Cabinet Secretary speaking during a security briefing at Meru North at Kibiru Grounds, Tigania West on March 4, 2024
Image: MINA

Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki on Monday said the ministry is adding more personnel to address banditry in the North Rift and Eastern region.

Kindiki said for the State to ruthlessly pursue the livestock rustlers,  they are deploying the same measures which were deployed to tackle terrorism.

"We are bringing in special forces to help us deal with the hardcore commanders of banditry," he said.

"There is no difference between bandits and terrorists. Their ideology is the same and they must be shown no mercy," he said

Speaking of milestones achieved, the CS noted that the increased number of bandit commanders who have been neutralized or arrested was a confirmation that  Operation Maliza Uhalifu is a success.

"The many planned banditry attacks that have been thwarted, the huge recovery of stolen livestock and the return of economic activities, such as farming to areas that were for a long time hotspots for armed criminals is clear evidence of the success of ongoing security operations and the effects of strategic measures established by our multi-agency security officers," Kindiki added.

Going further, the  CS insisted that Operation Maliza Uhalifu would continue uninterrupted and for the long haul.

This is until the problem of banditry and livestock rustling is completely eradicated and the areas affected by the menace are pacified.

Kindiki stated that President William Ruto has given clear and firm instructions to deal with the shame of banditry and livestock rustling.

"I reiterate that this Administration will end the nonsense of livestock theft and open up the North Rift Valley Region for development and economic growth," he said.

In addition to that, the Interior boss noted that security agencies have taken measures to roll back livestock theft in the Northern Grazing Fields of Meru County to achieve complete normalcy within two weeks.

CS Kindiki revealed that multi-agency security patrols, reorganised command and additional deployments have been put in place to ensure sustainability of the ongoing effort.

Also, beyond the kinetic operations for pacification of the area, the communities within the affected parts are require to share intelligence and expose local collaborators who enable livestock raiders to succeed.

The CS held an early morning engagement and consultative forum with herders, elders, community opinion shapers and elected leaders from Meru North at Kibiru Grounds, Tigania West, Meru County.

Over the weekend, Kindiki issued a stern warning to the Meru security team in response to the escalating incidents of cattle rustling in the Northern parts of Meru County.

Speaking during a security briefing at Mutuati in Meru County on Saturday, Kindiki emphasized the urgency of addressing the persistent livestock theft menace.

“Meru County Security team must prioritize and pay full attention to the persistent livestock rustling menace in Mutuati and other parts of Meru North,” he stated.

The CS said that the situation, involving marauding armed criminals causing harm and economic impoverishment, must be conclusively eradicated.

“It is not possible for marauding armed criminals to continue killing people and impoverishing others economically. This vice must be completely and conclusively eradicated,” Kindiki added.

Interior Cabinet Secretary speaking during a security briefing at Meru North at Kibiru Grounds, Tigania West on March 4, 2024
Interior Cabinet Secretary speaking during a security briefing at Meru North at Kibiru Grounds, Tigania West on March 4, 2024
Image: MINA
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