Senator Orwoba calls for action on cartels denying needy students bursaries

"They have figured out how to either receive double bursaries or take the loot with them."

In Summary
  • The senator cited a case in Dagoretti North where she says she had started a free bursary programme to decongest schools.
  • She said that there is a need for processes of issuing bursaries to be finetuned so the deserving beneficiaries can get them.
Nominated Senator Gloria Orwoba during a briefing in parliament on June 20 2023
Nominated Senator Gloria Orwoba during a briefing in parliament on June 20 2023
Image: FILE

Nominated senator Gloria Orwoba has raised concern over the existence of cartels in the issuance of bursaries to needy students.

According to the senator, the bursaries are not reaching the deserving students because the cartels are charging parents to get the bursaries.

"In certain areas, there are some beneficiaries who are not true and deserving because cartels have gravitated around the members of parliament offices," Orwoba said during a Tuesday interview with Spice FM.

"They have figured out how to either receive double bursaries or take the loot with them," she added.

The senator cited a case in Dagoretti North where she says she had started a free bursary programme to decongest schools.

According to the nominated senator, the potential beneficiaries were required to register at her office before their cases were investigated and considered for funding.

Orwoba says that she was shocked to find out later that some brokers were selling the same bursary services to the people.

"A particular person was charging Sh 2,000 to get on the bursary list. The parents would pay the money because looking at the bigger picture, the bursary would be a small price to pay," she said.

Orwoba says that most of these cartels have been in the office for a long time and they have found ways in the system.

She said that there is a need for processes of issuing bursaries to be finetuned so the deserving beneficiaries can get them.

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