Ruto: How Kenya will benefit from Kenya - Poland MoUs

The pacts were signed at State House following the State visit of Polish President Andrzej Duda.

In Summary
  • They signed an MoU on Agricultural Cooperation and the Tax Solidarity Programme.
  • President Ruto invited Poland to invest in the numerous opportunities that Kenya has to offer.
President William Ruto and Polish counterpart Andrzej Duda witness the signing of MoU between the two States at State House, Nairobi on February 5, 2024
President William Ruto and Polish counterpart Andrzej Duda witness the signing of MoU between the two States at State House, Nairobi on February 5, 2024
Image: PCS

Kenya and Poland on Monday deepened their bilateral ties following the signing of two Memorandums of understanding.

The pacts were signed at State House in Nairobi following the State visit of Polish President Andrzej Duda.

They include an MoU on Agricultural Cooperation and the Tax Solidarity Programme.

President William Ruto said that the MoUs will cement the aspirations to promote bilateral partnerships in their respective sectors and open up new avenues for collaboration between the two countries and people.

"The two MoUs we have signed here bear testimony to our commitment to this collaboration. We have had intensive discussions to enhance trade between the two countries, which is seen by the high business delegation which has accompanied you," he said.

He said Poland was one of the first countries to recognise Kenya’s independence adding that the two countries are celebrating 60 decades of diplomatic relations, making the visit timely.

"I express gratitude to you Mr president for the visit and for you taking time out of your schedule to build this relationship between Kenya and Poland," Ruto said.

He added that Poland is a valued partner of Kenya with a shared vision.

He said the two countries are united to enhance collaboration, trade and economic affairs, agriculture and food security, environmental climate as well as individual contribution to multiply.

"The two MoUs we have signed here bear testimony to our commitment to this collaboration. We have had intensive discussions to enhance trade between the two countries, which is seen by the high business delegation which has accompanied you," Ruto said.

President Ruto invited Poland to invest in the numerous opportunities that Kenya has to offer.

He said they should leverage Kenya’s strategic geographical advantage with Nairobi serving as the hub and gateway for regional and continental investors as the technology powerhouse Kenya offers.

"I have just witnessed the signing of two frameworks for a corporation, further solidifying our already existing friendly relations. The MoU on agriculture cooperation and MoU on Tax solidarity programme," he said.

The President added that MoUs will cement aspirations to promote bilateral partnerships in their respective sectors and open up new avenues for collaboration between the two countries and people.

Ruto said they discussed how to leverage the expertise that exists in dam construction, water storage and other water technologies between the two states in the agriculture sector.

"Realising Kenya being 85 per cent semi-arid, the requirement for water storage, water technologies, use and also dam constructions for water harvesting is an important component of our developing programme," he added.

President Ruto also said Poland had made an offer of 350 milk cooling plants around Kenya courtesy of a programme between the two states.

"I’m looking forward to the speedy conclusion of the other 600 milk coolers that will help expand Kenya’s dairy industry. It is our wish to increase milk production from 5 to 10 billion litres in the next five years."

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