Shots fired as four injured in Arati's South Mugirango rally

Those injured were rushed to Kisii Teaching and Referral hospital.

In Summary
  • At least four people, some of whom were in the convoy, sustained bullet injuries during the skirmishes.
  • Several cars in the motorcade were also stoned during the melee.
Kisii Governor Simba Arati addressing a crowd outside Kisii Central Police Station on Monday evening after a raid on his rally (IMAGE BY MAGATI OBEBO)
Kisii Governor Simba Arati addressing a crowd outside Kisii Central Police Station on Monday evening after a raid on his rally (IMAGE BY MAGATI OBEBO)

Kisii Governor Simba Arati has filed a report of an attack on his rally Monday afternoon while addressing residents of South Mugirango.

At least four people, some of whom were in the convoy, sustained bullet injuries during the skirmishes.

Several cars in the motorcade were also stoned during the melee.

It was not immediately known who fired the bullets injuring four and the Governor did not allude to who the suspected attackers were.

South Mugirango MP Sylvanus Osoro was, however, also addressing a crowd a distance apart when hell broke loose.

Hundreds that had gathered to listen to the Governor were forced to scatter in various directions as gunshots rent the air

Those injured were rushed to Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital.

While addressing a crowd outside Kisii Central Police Station in Kisii, Arati asked security agencies to expedite investigations into the attack on his rally.

He did not say who was behind the raid but added that he had already filed a report for police to act.

One of the cars vandalized during the melee (IMAGE BY MAGATI OBEBO)
One of the cars vandalized during the melee (IMAGE BY MAGATI OBEBO)

"As a law-abiding governor what I have done was to file a report and leave it to the officers to probe it," he told a group of bodaboda riders and supporters.

Arati said he would give fresh direction later.

"For now just disperse, we shall meet later and talk," Arati stated.

County Assembly Majority Leader Henry Moracha condemned the incident.

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