President Ruto, Rachel's Christmas message of hope for 2024

The President said next year should bring tranquillity, happiness, and fulfilment to Kenyans.

In Summary
  • First Lady encouraged Kenyans to "treasure the connections that make us a resilient and vibrant nation
  • The first family encouraged Kenyans to come together during the festivities, emphasizing the importance of brotherhood and unity.
President William Ruto and First Lady Rachel Ruto dancing during a Christmas party at State House Nairobi on December 19, 2023.
President William Ruto and First Lady Rachel Ruto dancing during a Christmas party at State House Nairobi on December 19, 2023.
Image: PCS

President William Ruto and First Lady Rachel Ruto have conveyed their Christmas message to Kenyans, infused with hope and joy.

In a video shared on Sunday, the first family encouraged Kenyans to come together during the festivities, emphasizing the importance of brotherhood and unity.

"As we come together with our families and communities to celebrate the joyous occasion of the birth of Jesus Christ, may we extend a loving hand, share kind words, offer warm meals, and exchange thoughtful gifts with our brothers and sisters in need," Ruto said.

"Let us collectively anticipate a new year marked by hope, progress, and shared prosperity. May the upcoming year bring you tranquility, happiness, and fulfillment."

First Lady Rachel echoed Ruto's sentiments, encouraging Kenyans to "treasure the connections that make us a resilient and vibrant nation," while remaining optimistic to better days in the coming year.

She urged Kenyans to extend compassion to the less fortunate in the community and support the spirit of Christmas.

"The spirit of Christmas is one of generosity, love, and community. By supporting those around us, we amplify joy and blessings,"she said.

"Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May God bless you and your loved ones."

Early this week, President Ruto and First Lady held a Christmas party for children at the State House.

Ruto said Christmas is a time to come together to commemorate the birth of Christ.

"This is a season of celebration, generosity and kindness as we build our family, friendship and community bonds. Merry Christmas!"

"It is an exciting moment when we reflect on grace and the promise of eternal happiness."

Children were seen interacting with the President and the first lady.

They were treated to music as they displayed their talents.

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