In courts today: Ex-Kabete MP George Muchai's murder trial proceeds

Wheels of Justice: Court cases lined up for today.

In Summary
  • The case has been proceeding since Monday and is expected to go all the way to Friday.
  • The investigating officer has been on the dock giving his evidence regarding the case.
In courts today
In courts today
Image: The Star

The High Court sitting in Milimani will be hearing the murder trial of the Late Kabete MP George Muchai.

The case has been proceeding since Monday and is expected to go all the way to Friday.

The investigating officer has been on the dock giving his evidence regarding the case.

Those facing the charges are Eric Isabwa alias chairman, Raphael Kimani alias Kim Butcher, Mustapha Kimani alias Musto, Stephen Astiva alias Chokore, Jane Wanjiru alias Shiro, Margaret Njeri and Simon Wambugu.

They have denied murdering the former lawmaker, his two bodyguards and a driver.

Pretrial of ex-cop Ahmed Rashid proceeds at Kibera High Court

In Kibera, the pretrial of ex-police officer Ahmed Rashid who is accused of killing two young men in Nairobi will be proceeding before Kibera High Court judge Diana Kavedza.

The matter will proceed in open court.

The two teens met their death on March 31, 2017, at Anal Plaza in Eastleigh estate, Nairobi.

Rashid has denied the two counts of murder.

He is out on a Sh200,000 cash bail.

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