Pastor Dorcas offers ex-Journalist Johana Chacha job after graduating

A rehabilitated Chacha said he would hold his job dear if given a second chance.

In Summary

• Chacha is one of the 132 rehabilitaed male addicts who on Wednesday graduated in a colourful ceremony in Olkalou Nyandarua County.

• Prior to graduation, journalist Chacha came out to narrate how alcohol addiction cost him his dream career.

Former Journalist Johana Chacha.
Former Journalist Johana Chacha.

The Spouse to the Deputy President Pastor Dorcas Rigathi has shone a ray of hope to former journalist Johana Chacha.

Pastor Dorcas on Wednesday offered Chacha a job after he graduated from a rehabilitation programme she runs.

Chacha is one of the 132 rehabilitaed male addicts who on Wednesday graduated in a colourful ceremony in Olkalou Nyandarua County.

Prior to graduation, journalist Chacha came out to narrate how alcohol addiction cost him his dream career.

Pastor Dorcas singled him out and offered him a job in her office.

"To the reporter (Johana Chacha) I will offer you a job in my office so that you can help me to talk to others who are still in drug abuse," she said.

Chacha had pledged to hold his job dear if given a second chance.

The former journalist revealed that he lost his job due to alcoholism.

He said repetitive absenteeism from work caused him to lose his job as a political reporter.

"I missed work for three days straight and when I turned up at work on the fourth day, I could not account for where I had been," he said.

Chacha said that after hearing about Pastor Dorcas' rehabilitation programme, he decided to join.

He explained that after a while, he learned how to deal with alcoholism and tried to reform.

"After hearing about Pastor Dorcas’ rehabilitation programme on rectifying the behaviour of alcoholics and drugs, I registered. We were told to leave bad company and anything to do with alcohol," he said.

Pastor Dorcas Rigathi together with the cohort of 132 who graduated on November 22, 2023.
Pastor Dorcas Rigathi together with the cohort of 132 who graduated on November 22, 2023.
Image: OSDP

Speaking during the graduation, Pastor Dorcas noted the transformation of the men who voluntarily joined her rehabilitation programme from various parts of Nairobi County.

Leaders present promised to support the programme as well as seek job placements for the graduates.

Nyandarua Senator John Methu lauded the efforts by Pastor Dorcas terming them visionary and the biggest way in saving the future of the nation.

In September this year, the first cohort of 85 men graduated after a three-month successful rehabilitation.

The number increased during the November graduation to 132 graduates.

Pastor Dorcas said the increase is evidence of the desire of men suffering from addiction to reform.

She called on the society to collaborate in integrating them back into society and say no to drug barons.

"If we all join hands and come out together, we will fight the drugs and substance abuse menace. Together we will eliminate this menace in this country," she said.

"And I thank the President and His Deputy for joining hands in the fight against alcoholism, drugs and substance abuse."

Pastor Dorcas Rigathi dances with part of the 132 who graduated, the second cohort of the boy child rehabilitation program under her office. On her left is spouse to Nyandarua Governor, Mrs Badilisha, and Nairobi Woman Representative Esther Passaris.
Pastor Dorcas Rigathi dances with part of the 132 who graduated, the second cohort of the boy child rehabilitation program under her office. On her left is spouse to Nyandarua Governor, Mrs Badilisha, and Nairobi Woman Representative Esther Passaris.
Image: OSDP

Nairobi County Woman Rep Esther Passaris also lauded the programme which she said is not just timely but in the right direction.

"There are so many that need help, but they needed it most because they were lost. You (Pastor Dorcas) have raised the bar on spirituality and given them hope," Passaris added.

Some of the rehabilitated men have already been placed under the ongoing housing programmes in various parts of the country.

The second cohort is now placed at a facility in Olkalou in Nyandarua where they will receive technical training.

Pastor Dorcas Rigathi, Bishop Dr. Mophat Kilioba and Bishop Phillip Karanja keenly follow the proceedings during the graduation of the 132, the second cohort of the boy child rehabilitation program under her office on November 22, 2023.
Pastor Dorcas Rigathi, Bishop Dr. Mophat Kilioba and Bishop Phillip Karanja keenly follow the proceedings during the graduation of the 132, the second cohort of the boy child rehabilitation program under her office on November 22, 2023.
Image: OSDP
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