
Mudavadi lauds Ruto for reviving economy in his first year

He said the government will not relent in addressing what will positively impact Kenyans.


News14 September 2023 - 14:50

In Summary

  • He said this year's harvest will be a benchmark for the economic transformation of Kenya.
  • Mudavadi cited some of the areas that the government has done well, particularly in agriculture and education.
Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has said that most indicators show that President Ruto's administration is working towards fulfilling its promises to Kenyans.

He said the government will not relent in ensuring that it addresses what will positively impact Kenyans.

He lauded Ruto’s economic recovery strategy saying what has been achieved in one year is out of proper planning, consultation and engaging the citizens.

"Objectively, in our first year in office, the government has made progress based on the backdrop of inheriting an economy that was badly tortured," he said.

"We will do more to make sure that all goes well. We have to address the challenges step by step knowing that we have to give hope to the younger generation and promise a good future for the people."

The Prime Cabinet Secretary pointed out key strides including the subsidized fertilizer prices from Sh7,000 to Sh 2,500.

He said this year's harvest will be a benchmark for the economic transformation of Kenya.

Mudavadi cited some of the areas that the Government has done well, particularly in agriculture and education.

He said the Government has been able to engage 56,000 more teachers, adding that the education sector received a budget of over Sh630 billion to ensure it is well facilitated.

Mudavadi has also stated that the Government will prioritize and complete projects that had been committed to but stalled.

Priority he said will be given to what is necessarily needed to improve the lives of the people.

He further noted that corruption will not be tolerated in Ruto's government.

"Watch very carefully and you will see in due course that those who think that corruption is a way of life will be shocked," he warned.

He stated that turning round the economic fortunes of the country will not be like 'instant coffee' but assured Kenyans that the plans being laid by the government will see growth in all sectors of the economy.

"Kenyans are going through difficult times and we will systematically chip off that weight hurting Kenyans. We must not forget or run away from the fact that the previous government has put us in a mess. The public debt is what put us in this situation," he said.

"So we have to work towards making sure that the cost of living is moderated and strike a balance between those who produce the food and those who consume it, they all build the economy. The supply and demand must work together for an economy to grow."

He also dismissed claims that the Kenya Kwanza Government has been trying to validate itself.

He spoke in an interview to mark Ruto’s one year in government as he wound up his 3-day official tour of the United Kingdom.

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