Waiguru fiercely condemns destruction of Nairobi Expressway

She said the chaos on Wednesday were not demos but economic sabotage.

In Summary

• Terming the actions as  "thuggery clothed in constitutional garb", Waiguru wondered how the destruction of public property was going to bring down the cost of living.

• "How does burning cars, and buildings and destroying infrastructure which we are still paying loans for bring down the cost of living?" she posed.

Protesters seen by pulling the fence along the Expressway on July 12, 2023.
Protesters seen by pulling the fence along the Expressway on July 12, 2023.

Chairperson of the Council of Governors Anne Waiguru has fiercely condemned the vandalism and destruction of properties including the Nairobi Expressway witnessed during the Wednesday demos.

The Kirinyaga Governor added that what happened on Wednesday was not demonstrations but economic sabotage.

She said this was intended counterproductive to the purported cause.

"I condemn in the strongest terms possible the wanton destruction of property - public and private - in the name of protesting the high cost of living," she said.

Terming the actions as "thuggery clothed in constitutional garb", Waiguru wondered how the destruction of public property was going to bring down the cost of living.

"How does burning cars, and buildings and destroying infrastructure which we are still paying loans for bring down the cost of living?" she posed.

Waiguru said those responsible for the actions ought to be held accountable while observing that during peaceful protests, police must protect the protesters.

The barrier of the Nairobi Expressway was pulled by protesters who further defaced the road, by destroying the flower containers lining the walls.

The construction cost of the 27.1 km road was Sh87.9 billion.

Moja Expressway, a subsidiary of China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC), is to operate the road for 27 years to recoup the money through toll fees.

CRBC is responsible for designing, financing and building the expressway, and will maintain and operate it during the concession period.

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