Gem MCAs boycott Azimio demos, meet MP Elisha Odhiambo

Gem constituency has six wards. Four of the six MCAs failed attend Azimio demos.

In Summary
  • Elisha who has publicly vowed to work closely with President William Ruto's government said he was meeting the MCAs to bond and review what they have done in their respective areas since the elections.
  • Elisha told the Star that Friday's meeting with the MCAs was also meant to discuss the president's tour of Gem.
The Gem MCAs, together with their MP Elisha Odhiambo pose for a photo with Roads CS at undisclosed location in Nairobi on Friday. Photo courtesy
The Gem MCAs, together with their MP Elisha Odhiambo pose for a photo with Roads CS at undisclosed location in Nairobi on Friday. Photo courtesy

Gem MP Elisha Odhiambo made a huge political statement in regard to his bold defiance against ODM on Friday after he convinced four MCAs from the Constituency to skip the Azimio protests.

The ward representatives instead chose to join the defiant MP for what Elisha described as a bonding session in Nairobi.

Speaking to this writer on the phone, Elisha who has publicly vowed to work closely with President William Ruto's government said he was meeting the MCAs to bond and review what they have done in their respective areas since the elections.

"We are not even discussing the Maandamano issue because there are better things to discuss. We want to review what we have done for the last nine months and how to move forward," he said.

The MCAs who skipped the Friday demonstrations in Gem included Philip Obonyo (North Gem)Seth Baraka (East Gem)Silas Madingu (Central Gem and Brian Anyango ( south Gem).

Gem constituency has six wards.

Elisha had in the past promised the president that he would ensure the Azimio protests don't happen in his Constituency.

The South Gem MCA Brian Anyango( independent) who was amongst leaders who on Monday attended the Azimio rally addressed by Raila Odinga in Ugunja pushing for the Saba Saba protest said they were concerned about Gem issues.

When asked to confirm if they deliberately chose to give the Friday demonstrations a wide berth, he responded " It's true us, as Gem, we're with the MP discussing Gem".

Elisha told the Star that Friday's meeting with the MCAs was also meant to discuss the president's tour of Gem.

He said the president is expected to tour the Constituency when he visits Nyanza this month.

"The original plan was that the president was to attend the homecoming of the Interior PS Dr Raymond Omollo and to visit my Constituency. We have now adjusted this to include a visit to Suba South and take care of Dr Gideon Ochanda's ( Bondo) interest," he said.

PS Omollo confirmed that his homecoming ceremony which Ruto is expected to grace will be held on July 15.

ODM MPs- Dr Ochanda, Caroli Omondi, Elisha Odhiambo, Felix Odiwuor Jalas, Mark Nyamita and Paul Abuor are amongst the ODM legislators who are working with President William Ruto, including Kisumu senator Prof Tom Ojienda.

Speaking to the Star on Friday, Elisha listed various development projects the president is expected to unveil during his tour of Gem constituency in Siaya County.

According to the MP, the head of state is expected to launch a Sh60 million Gamba TTI project and also announce the expansion of Odera Akang'o University.

He said the president is expected to further announce the allocation of additional land at Nyamninia for the expansion initiative.

"The president will also launch free WiFi projects in Yala Town and Wagai before launching a computer laboratory at Mutumbu," Elisha said.

The MP disclosed that Ruto will also launch the road projects amongst them the Dudi-Mwadi- Got Kokwiri road and the Mutumbu-Kanyabola- Siaya Road which links Siaya and Kakamega County.

"I have also asked the president to help us with funds to support at least five schools in Gem. Each school is expected to get Sh10 million towards the improvement of their infrastructure," he said.

Elisha who has been criticised, alongside his Colleagues viewed as rebels by the ODM leadership said he went to State House to look for development projects for his people.

"I went to look for development projects that impact positively on our people. Don't you think these projects will benefit the people who voted for me?" he quipped.

Further, Elisha added that Ruto will launch street lights at Kambare, Aluor, Rera, Panyako, Kabaridi, Ulumbi, Ulamb and Usweda amongst other centres.

"There is no Constituency in Siaya where there are street lights in 17 centres. Ask them to show you if they have," he emphasised.

Siaya County woman representative Dr Christine Ombaka, Yala Township ward MCA William Kinyanyi, Susan Okwiri of West Gem, ODM officials Caroline Ochanda and Joseph Kawuor led the demonstrations in Gem.

They later addressed their supporters at Yala Nyayo Gardens.

ODM youth leader Charles Onguko said he can't believe that it is true that the MCAs met the Gem MP in Nairobi.

"I still want to believe it is not true that the MCAs met Elisha today, a day that we are in the streets. On Sunday, I was with Seth, my MCA who told me that the last thing he would wish was to be seen with Elisha who had betrayed the party," he said.

"I am disappointed if he indeed met Elisha. The people of East Gem ward are solidly behind Raila Odinga and ODM and are fed up with the skyrocketing cost of living. May God continue protecting Baba," he said.

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