Guyo to Raila: Give Ruto time to work, criticize after 5 years

He said Ruto should be given the time to deliver his manifesto.

In Summary

•Guyo noted that he has no doubt that in three years, Ruto would have brought change.

•He said Ruto should be given the time to deliver his manifesto.

Isiolo Governor Abdi Hassan Guyo speaking speaking during an interdenominational service, in Kajiado Central on June 25, 2023
Isiolo Governor Abdi Hassan Guyo speaking speaking during an interdenominational service, in Kajiado Central on June 25, 2023
Image: PCS

Isiolo Governor Abdi Hassan Guyo has told the Opposition to give the Kenya Kwanza time to work.

Guyo said that President William Ruto should be given the time to deliver his manifesto.

" I want to tell Raila Odinga to give the government time to work in the next five years, then you come and criticize the president on the promises that he didn't achieve," he said.

Guyo was speaking during an interdenominational service, in Kajiado Central where the President is in attendance.

He was accompanied by Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua and Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi.

Going further, the Isiolo Governor said that took the opportunity to commend the President on his call for a new global financial model that supports climate-positive growth.

Guyo noted that he has no doubt that in three years, Ruto would have brought change.

" I had the president’s speech in France and said that the loans we pay 8 times more in interest. The things we are requesting we want to develop them with our own money. I know in three years we will have a changed Kenya as Kenyans, let us give our president to do what he needs to do," Guyo said.

Isiolo Governor Abdi Hassan Guyo and Senate Majority leader Aaron Cheruyiot during an interdenominational service, in Kajiado Central on June 25, 2023
Isiolo Governor Abdi Hassan Guyo and Senate Majority leader Aaron Cheruyiot during an interdenominational service, in Kajiado Central on June 25, 2023
Image: PCS

Early this month, the Governor who was elected under Jubilee party joined the United Democratic Alliance party.

"We are not joining Kenya Kwanza but joining UDA which has you, President William Ruto as its party leader," he said then.

Guyo made his commitment to the UDA party and promised to work tirelessly toward the advancement of Isiolo County.

“I want to emphasize the need for unity and cooperation among party members to ensure the county's progress under the leadership of President William Ruto,” he said.

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