Permanent jobs for 194 casual Bungoma workers

And 343 Vocational, Technical Trainers who had stagnated in the same job groups for more than five years will be promoted.

In Summary

• Lusaka said 343 vocational and technical trainers who stagnated in the same job groups for over five years will get promotion letters in the new financial year.

• "I have directed the county PSB to rectify the anomaly to ensure workers are motivated. The delay stagnated many of them in the same position,” he said.

Bungoma Governor Ken Lusaka during a press at his Kamukunywa home on April, 29
LUSAKA: Bungoma Governor Ken Lusaka during a press at his Kamukunywa home on April, 29
Image: FILE

Governor Kenneth Lusaka has confirmed 194 casual workers on a permanent basis.

Speaking to the press at his Kamukunywa home on Monday, Lusaka recognised the vital role workers play in the growth of the economy, saying they should be motivated.

He reiterated 343 Vocational and Technical Training instructors, VTC, who had stagnated in the same job groups for more than five years are also under review. They will be issued with promotion letters as planned in the new financial year.

"I have directed the county Public Service Board to rectify the anomaly to ensure workers are motivated. The delay in assurance of PnP letters stagnated many of them in the same position,” he said.

The governor called on county workers to execute their duties diligently, assuring them that promotions will be on regular basis.

"I recogniSe the importance of not just having a labour force in numbers but one that is committed and motivated to drive my agenda of bringing change and prosperity to all parts of this great county,” he said.

He affirmed his administration is replacing the 160 ECD teachers who left through natural attrition to ensure that early childhood education was key to his manifesto.

The county boss further reassured residents the ailing Nzoia Sugar Company will soon be back on its feet. He said efforts were underway by area leaders to ensure this is achieved.

Lusaka also reported the National Government in partnership with the Government of Bungoma is implementing creation of the Sh250 million industrial park and the low-income housing, which will be economic game changers for the region.

The Ford Kenya governor said the delay in the disbursement the county allocation has  hurt the county activities.

(Edited by V. Graham)

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