Let's not massage Raila, he should call off demos – Sossion

Sossion said that the Azimio coalition should be held responsible for the outcome of the demos.

In Summary

• At least three people were reportedly shot in Nyanza.

• The anti-government protests have taken a new twist after goons descended on Kenyatta and Odinga family businesses as the demos got uglier.

Former Knut Secretary General Wilson Sossion.
Former Knut Secretary General Wilson Sossion.

Chief Administrative Secretary to the Ministry of Tourism Wilson Sossion has called on Opposition chief Raila Odinga to call off the ongoing protests.

Speaking on K24 on Tuesday morning, Sossion said that the current division in the country is being instigated by Azimio.

"Let us not massage Raila Odinga, let us tell him in clear words, in 2007 he called for mass action and we know where the country went," he said.

The Former MP also asked Raila who doubles up as ODM party leader to call off the demonstrations immediately and seek other civil routes for addressing his matter.

Sossion further stated that the Azimio La Umoja coalition should be held responsible for the outcome of the demos.

"The division in this country is being instigated by Azimio, that is for sure, the mass action has not been called by the government of Kenya, it has been called by Azimio so it is their responsibility to bear the consequences," he added.

Following Azimio's second protest on Monday, at least 20 police officers were injured in clashes with protesters in parts of Nairobi.

Police headquarters said one police car was razed and two others damaged in the chaos that was witnessed in Kawangware, Huruma, Makongeni and Dandora areas.

Also, a section of a mosque in Kibera slums was burnt down in chaos that was witnessed in the area amid claims of sponsored thuggery.

And in retaliation, a group of youth raided the PCEA church in the area and set it on fire.

At least three people were reportedly shot in Nyanza

Wading into the Kenyatta farm which was raided on Monday, Sossion claimed it was very difficult to point a blaming finger at anyone due to the political tension at the moment.

"If we try to argue on who invaded the Kenyatta farm, those could have been goons hired by the same Azimio to justify the statement they made," he said.

"When the country degenerates into chaos even the police cannot help," Sossion added.

The anti-government protests have taken a new twist after goons descended on Kenyatta and Odinga family businesses as the demos got uglier.

At least three people were reportedly shot in Nyanza.

In Nairobi, unknown people staged a twin attack on the property of former President Uhuru Kenyatta's family along the Eastern Bypass, looting property in the glare of cameras and openly making off with an unknown number of sheep.

A separate attack was staged at East Africa Spectre Ltd — Opposition chief Raila Odinga's gas plant located in Industrial Area — where thugs ferried in motorbikes shattered the property's glass windows.

The company said the hoodlums were being supported by four unmarked Land Cruiser vehicles.

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