UDA condemns vandalism of Kisimu office, calls for probe

SG Malala says party will not be deterred by those seeking to derail their progress.

In Summary

• In a statement on Monday evening, secretary general Cleophas Malala termed the move as reckless and unacceptable and called on Kenyans to condemn it.

• "We urge all political leaders to desist from inciting violence and instead focus on issue-based politics that will benefit all Kenyans," Malala said.

UDA secretary general Cleophas Malala at UDA headquarters in Nairobi on February 27, 2023.
UDA secretary general Cleophas Malala at UDA headquarters in Nairobi on February 27, 2023.
Image: FILE

UDA party has condemned Monday's vandalism of its Kisumu office during the Azimio mass action and asked police to investigate the incident.

In a statement on Monday evening, secretary general Cleophas Malala termed the move as reckless and unacceptable and called on Kenyans to condemn it.


"We urge all political leaders to desist from inciting violence and instead focus on issue-based politics that will benefit all Kenyans," Malala said.

Streets of Kisumu became a battlefield for the better part of Monday as Azimio supporters obeyed calls by their leader Raila Odinga to participate in mass action against the Kenya Kwanza government.

What started as peaceful picketing and demonstration, however, degenerated into running battles between protesters and antiriot police as teargas canisters and stones were exchanged between the two sides.

At some point, the protesters overpowered the law enforcers and overran their barricade forcing the men in uniform to take to their heels with stone-throwing demonstrators in hot pursuit.

In the ensuing melee, a group which Kisumu Governor Anyang' Nyong'o later claimed was paid to infiltrate and disrupt the peaceful protests stormed into the UDA office in Kilimani estate.

They vandalised property of unknown value, looted items and burnt two vehicles and left. 

Malala said despite the actions of the group which he said are unacceptable in this time and era, their resolve for a progressive Kenya will not be dented. 

"We remain committed to our vision of a united and prosperous Kenya where every citizen has equal opportunities to succeed.  We will not be deterred by the actions of a few individuals who seek to derail our progress," the SG said.

Malala said UDA believes in the rule of law and appealed to the party supporters to remain peaceful amid the Azimio protests.

In his statement following the chaos, Nyong'o said the Azimio outfit and Kisumu residents at the large stand for peaceful and orderly picketing with zero attacks on individual or public property and investments.

He said the criminals who posed as opposition supporters stoned and damaged part of a hotel, a bank, a supermarket and a shopping Mall within the Central Business District.

The county boss called on the police to launch investigations into the chaos and institute prosecution of those found culpable.

He also appealed to Kisumu residents to help protect the image and investments of the city and its environs as they adhere to the call for mass action.

"In future demonstrations, our people should apprehend and hand over to the police, anyone damaging property," Nyong'o said. 

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