Police brutality during demos must end - Junet

"This must end so that next maandamano in 2027 we have peaceful one."

In Summary
  • Junet accused the police of causing chaos at KICC in Nairobi as Pro-Azimio protestors took to the streets to protest the high cost of living.
  • "The police are supposed to provide security. Look at the way they were behaving at KICC. KICC is not a police station, it is public property," he said.
Suna East MP Junet Mohamed
Suna East MP Junet Mohamed
Image: FILE

Suna East MP Junet Mohamed has said the trend of police brutality during demonstrations needs to come to an end.

Addressing the media at the Parliament Buildings on Monday, Junet noted that officers are mandated with serving all citizens and not causing violence.

"One culture that must end with this maandamano is the police brutality in Kenya. This one must end so that next maandamano in 2027 and 2032 we have peaceful one," he said.

The legislature noted that Article 37 of the Constitution allowed Kenyans to picket and demonstrate peacefully. 

Junet accused the police of causing chaos at KICC in Nairobi as Pro-Azimio protestors took to the streets to protest the high cost of living.

"The police are supposed to provide security. Look at the way they were behaving at KICC. KICC is not a police station, it is public property," he said.

He said the demonstrations held countrywide on Monday were "just the rehearsal", adding that they were going to keep on protesting until their petitions are met. 

Earlier in the day, Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna also accused the police of causing the chaos witnessed in the city.

"Police have turned what was peaceful Maandamano into an ugly confrontation," he said.

He also said that the arrest of Minority leaders from both houses of parliament was uncalled for.

"They (police) have arrested the Minority Leaders in both Houses of Parliament and a number of other leaders. This is totally uncalled for," Sifuna added.

National Assembly minority leader Opiyo Wandanyi and his counterpart at the Senate Stewart Madzayo are among a section of Azimio allied legislators who were arrested for leading protests in the City centre.

Junet demanded that the leaders be released unconditionally.

"In two hours, those leaders must be released unconditionally. La sivyo mambo yatakuwa mbaya zaidi," the MP said. 

Suna East MP Junet Mohamed
Suna East MP Junet Mohamed
Image: FILE
Suna East MP Junet Mohamed
Suna East MP Junet Mohamed
Image: FILE
Suna East MP Junet Mohamed
Suna East MP Junet Mohamed
Image: FILE
Suna East MP Junet Mohamed
Suna East MP Junet Mohamed
Image: FILE
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