Donors forced GMOs on us, they're here with LGBTQ – MP Makau

"This thing of us being told before we are given money we must accept these laws, this is strange to us."

In Summary

• The MP alleged that the apex court reached the decision as a precondition by the donor community to advance loans to the country.

• "I have never seen a male animal rising to satisfy itself on another male animal. So, what are they telling us Mr Speaker," he posed.

Mavoko MP Patrick Makau speaks in Parliament on March 1.
Mavoko MP Patrick Makau speaks in Parliament on March 1.

A section of MPs has read Western influence in the Supreme Court's ruling on the registration of the LGBTQ community as a society.

Mavoko MP Patrick Makau said the decision amounts to legalising homosexuality, a criminal offence in Kenya, and serves to encourage other illegal entities in seeking legal recognition.

"Mr Speaker then, we should have the Mungiki, we should have the al-Shabaab, we should have rapists, we should have murderers allowed then by the same Supreme Court to form alliances."

The MP alleged that the apex court reached the decision as a precondition for the donor community to advance loans to the country.

He drew parallels with the government's decision to lift the decades-long ban on the importation and growth of GMO foods in Kenya as part of the imposing pre-conditions.

"Mr Speaker, I agree with speakers here who were saying we should not just be made slaves because we need funding from the West. Mr Speaker this thing of us being told before we are given money from IMF, from World Bank we must admit, we must accept these laws, this is strange to us," Makau said.

"I know they forced GMOs on us and I know the reason they did that. Now they are here telling us we should have a man and a man marrying each other," he added.

The legislator said none of the animal species, wild or domesticated, engages in gay relations, a lack of the capacity to think rationally like humans notwithstanding.

"I have never seen a male animal rising to satisfy itself on another male animal. So, what are they telling us, Mr Speaker," he posed.

Like a number of speakers before him, the Mavoko MP challenged President William Ruto to make his stand known on the Supreme Court ruling and initiate the legal process to overturn the ruling.

"I think the President of this country should write immediately to the Attorney General to appeal this ruling. It cannot be bearable," Makau said noting that Kenya is a Christian nation.

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