We'll work with private sector to grow economy - Mudavadi

The Prime CS also called for closer ties between the government and private sector.

In Summary

• Mudavadi said a lot of potential remains untapped in the country.

• He noted that more can be achieved in the development of the country through focused dialogue with the private sector.

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi during a meeting with the Aga Khan Development Network in Kenya
Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi during a meeting with the Aga Khan Development Network in Kenya
Image: PCSPS

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has called on the private sector to embrace the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model to unlock the country's economic potential.

Speaking during a meeting with Aga Khan Development Network representatives on Monday, Mudavadi said a lot of potential remains untapped in the country.

He noted that more can be achieved in the development of the country through focused dialogue with the private sector.

“My office will be available for us to exchange ideas and build a strong partnership between the private sector and government. Dialogue is key and very critical for us to unlock the potential that we have,” Mudavadi said.

The Prime CS also called for closer ties between the government and the private sector.

The one-time Finance minister cautioned that business fear of government officials and operations denies the country growth of revenue.

“At a time like this when we are walking an economic tightrope, we do not have an option other than having an open, genuine discussion. We need to persuade each other through dialogue and exchange of knowhow for us to move forward,” Mudavadi added.

Mudavadi said the government's aggressive approach has changed, as he called on public officials to treat the private sector as partners.

“Government has to collect revenue but we will not kill the goose that lays the golden egg. We have to be realistic on the targets we set so that we do not go to an extent of panicking and doing things that are not business friendly."

The Prime CS commended the Aga Khan Development Networks’ for their investments in Kenya.

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