It's like manna from heaven - Magistrates laud Hustler Fund

They said they are also struggling to fend for their needs.

In Summary
  • According to some of them who spoke to Star, loans and other issues have pushed them to apply the funds so that they can cater for their needs.
  • "I have a big loan that can't be repaid on time due to poor pay. I now depend on Hustlers' Fund to fuel my car among other petty issues," one of them told the Star.

A section of Magistrates has thanked President William Ruto for helping them in their hour of need by introducing the Hustler Fund.

According to some of them who spoke to Star, loans and other issues have pushed them to apply the funds so that they can cater for their needs.

"I have a big loan that can't be repaid on time due to poor pay. I now depend on Hustlers' Fund to fuel my car among other petty issues," one of them told the Star.

Another said that the Fund, though little, helps to sort emergencies that need urgent intervention.

"The President has done wonders however little, the Sh2200 I got from his hustler fund has really bailed me out. I don't have a salary and as a resident magistrate, my pay is minimal, we depend on these loans," he said.

"Kenyans should understand that Magistrates struggle. Neither SRC nor JSC seems to care."

The magistrates drawn from Chuka, Bungoma, Kisumu and Coast did not want to be mentioned by name.

 KMJA President Derrick Kuto when contacted to respond to the comments laughed off saying:

"That sounds funny. No comment for now."

He however pointed out that the Association has been at the forefront in advocating for better pay, especially regarding Magistrates and Kadhis.

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