Moi failed, Uhuru Failed! Will Ruto manage Raila? - Mutahi Ngunyi

"Raila the Babaman is an enemy I would not wish on anyone."

In Summary

•Raila has announced what he termed as a major "consultative forum" with Kenyans at Kamukunji grounds to chart a way forward on the state of affairs in the country.

•While the President has maintained that he can not be intimidated into making a decision, Ngunyi has opined that handling the opposition chief might be a difficult task.

Political analyst Mutahi Ngunyi
Political analyst Mutahi Ngunyi

Political analyst Mutahi Ngunyi has raised tough questions on whether President William Ruto will be able to contain the veteran opposition leader Raila Odinga.

This comes even as Raila has announced what he termed as a major "consultative forum" with Kenyans at Kamukunji grounds to chart a way forward on the state of affairs in the country.

While the President has maintained that he can not be intimidated into making a decision, Ngunyi has opined that handling the opposition chief might be a difficult task.

"Raila the Babaman is an enemy I would not wish on anyone. But will Ruto manage him? He thinks he will," he said on Monday.


According to Ngunyi, past regimes have found it difficult to contain Raila.

"Moi tried, he failed, Handshake. Uhuru tried, he Failed. Handshake. Raila will hold parallel rallies on National days like December 12th to irritate Ruto. Is this good or bad?" he asked.

Raila has declared a war of sorts with President Ruto over the removal of four IEBC commissioners who disowned results announced by Chebukati.

The ODM leader has line-up a series of engagements with citizens saying he will be consulting them on the way forward.

Though the engagements have been reported as planned protests, Raila has denied accusing the state of running smear campaigns against his planned meetings.

After the 2017 polls, Raila was embroiled in a push-and-pull with then-president Uhuru Kenyatta which culminated in a reconciliatory Handshake in March 2018.

The confrontation then came after the supreme court nullified Uhuru's win.

Raila would later boycott a repeat election saying IEBC was not reformed to conduct a transparent election.

The Handshake saw the ODM leader stop mass protests even as he appeared to have joined the government in supporting its development agenda.

Ruto however has always blamed the Handshake for spoiling his union with President Uhuru who even backed Odinga for the top seat.

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