This is an opportunity to serve, not private positions - Ruto tells new PSs

The President insisted that Kenyans have high expectations from the Kenya Kwanza government.

In Summary

• "I expect every PS to diligently work to the best of their ability to serve the 53 million Kenyans," he said.

• The President insisted that Kenyans have very high expectations from Kenya Kwanza government and it is now upon them to ensure that they don't disappoint.

President William Ruto at Safari Park Nairobi
President William Ruto at Safari Park Nairobi

President William Ruto has told the new Principal secretaries that their job is to serve Kenyans and not private positions.

Speaking shortly after they all took oath of office, Ruto said that he expects them to give their best in service to the people of Kenya.

"The jobs and responsibilities and position you have been given are not private, family or community position but opportunity to serve the entirety of the people of Kenya.


"I expect every PS to diligently work to the best of their ability to serve the 53 million Kenyans," he said.

The President insisted that Kenyans have very high expectations from Kenya Kwanza government and it is now upon them to ensure that they don't disappoint.

He promised to support and pray for the State Department accounting officers, reiterating that they all have to work as a unit.

"People of Kenya have very high expectation of this administration because they demonstrated faith by electing us against all measures," Ruto said.

He added, "We must work in manner that creates the synergy to build around the strengths of each and everyone of us. I want promise as team leader that I will work with each and everyone of you to deliver to the people of Kenya."

The President on Friday morning presided over the swearing in of his 51 PSs at State House Nairobi.

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