Ruto kicks out Muthaura, picks UDA official KRA chair

Ex-Taveta governor John Mruttu takes over at AFC

In Summary

Ruto said Mwaura will serve for a term of three years.

Francis Muthaura's helm at the KRA has consequently ended.

President William Ruto delivers his remarks at the 27th United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Egypt on Monday, November 7, 2022.
President William Ruto delivers his remarks at the 27th United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Egypt on Monday, November 7, 2022.



President William Ruto has made far-reaching appointments at the country's key institutions, naming Anthony Ng'ang'a Mwaura the new KRA chairperson.


Mwaura is the United Democratic Alliance National Elections Board chairperson.

In a gazette notice dated November 17, Ruto said Mwaura will serve for a term of three years.

Current Kenya Revenue Authority chairperson Francis Muthaura's helm at the KRA has consequently ended.

Muthaura's tenure has come to an end and President Ruto did not renew it.

President Uhuru Kenyatta had reappointed Muthaura.

On Friday, Ruto also named former Taita Taveta governor John Mruttu the chairperson of the Agricultural Finance Corporation.

He takes over from former Cabinet minister Franklin Bett.

Also appointed was Halima Yussuf Mucheke who will serve as the chairperson of the Tourism Regulatory Authority and Hamisi Mwaguya as the chair of the Kenya Maritime Authority.

Halima is an ex-nominated MP who unsuccessfully sought the Igembe North Parliamentary UDA ticket.

Mwaguya ran for Mombasa Senate seat on a UDA ticket.

David Omusotsi will chair the Kenya Utalii College board while James Dianga will take over as chair of the Lake Basin Development Authority.

Dianga is the Siaya County UDA chairperson.

The President also named Gen.(RTD) Jackson Tuei as the chairperson of the Sports, Arts and Social Development Oversight Board.



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