Drama as man beats up cop inside police station

It began after the officer slapped the civilian who instantly returned the favour.

In Summary

• Preliminary reports indicated that the incident occurred at Nakuru Central Police station.

• The National Police Service is expected to issue a statement after a Twitter user brought the incident to their attention.

Screen grab of the scuffle.
Screen grab of the scuffle.

A video is doing rounds on social media showing a police officer and a civilian in a fist fight inside a police station.

The undated clip shows the officer approaching the civilian and after a brief exchange of words, the offer lands a heavy slap on the man's left cheek.


Startled, the civilian hits back by landing an equally heavy slap on the officer's left cheek sending his cap off his head.

The two then engage in a fist fight momentarily before they are separated by a civilian in what appears like the lobby area of a police station.

The officer is then heard assuring the civilian that he will not leave the station. 

"Wacha nikupromise kitu moja, hautoki, I promise you, hautoki" he says. 

"Let me promise you one thing, you will not leave this place)

The civilian then says if it's about money, he is ready to pay. It wasn't immediately established what offence the civilian had been arrested for. 

"Nitalipa doo, kama ni doo imenileta hapa nitalipa," he said. 

(I will pay, if it's money that has brought me here I will pay)

Preliminary reports indicated that the incident occurred at Nakuru Central Police station.

The National Police Service is expected to issue a statement after a Twitter user brought the incident to their attention.

By law, police are only allowed to use force when strictly necessary. 

Edited by Bosco Marita

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