Four 'rebel' IEBC commissioners to address media

They said on Monday they'll give details of the opaque nature of the presidential poll results.

In Summary

• The four led by chairperson Juliana Cherera called to question the results announced Monday by Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commissioner chairman Wafula Chebukati.

• The commissioners said despite handling the August 9 general elections in the most efficient manner, the final phase of verifying the results was not transparent.

Commissioners Justus Abonyo, Juliana Cherera, Irene Cherop and Francis Wanderi address the media at Serena hotel on August 15, 2022.
Commissioners Justus Abonyo, Juliana Cherera, Irene Cherop and Francis Wanderi address the media at Serena hotel on August 15, 2022.
Image: Fredrick Omondi

The four IEBC commissioners who Monday dissented over the presidential election results are expected to issue a statement any time from now.

The four led by chairperson Juliana Cherera called to question the results announced by Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission chairman Wafula Chebukati.

They said despite handling the August 9 general elections in the most efficient manner, the final phase of verifying the results was not transparent.

"We have ensured that all the challenges have been contained. But some things need to be put out there," Cherera said during a press conference shortly before the results were announced. 

She was accompanied by fellow commissioners Irene Masit, Justus Nyangaya and Francis Wanderi at the hastily convened press briefing at Serena Hotel.

Cherera refused to take questions from the media but said they will issue a comprehensive statement later.

"We will give details of this opaque nature very soon," she said.

As the commissioners addressed the media, chaos erupted at the Bomas of Kenya, the national tallying centre where the results were to be declared.

Opinion is still divided over whether or not the commissioners have genuine concerns over the credibility of the poll results.

But despite their dissent, Chebukati expressed confidence that he had handled the elections in the most professional manner.

He said he was harassed and intimidated but he stood his ground and did what was demanded of him by the Constitution. 

"I feel proud that I have been given this opportunity to serve Kenyans.  Despite intimidation and harassment, I have done my duty in accordance with the Constitution and the laws of the land," he said.

The IEBC boss declared UDA presidential candidate William Ruto as President-elect with 7,176,141 votes against his main challenger Raila Odinga who got 6,942,930 votes.

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