Junet Mohamed: We might send Babu Owino to debate Ruto

The presidential debate is scheduled to take place on July, 26.

In Summary

• Junet said if issues of integrity and corruption will not be discussed, then Raila has no business attending.

• Oparanya went on to drum up support for Raila and Natembea who are vying for the Trans Nzoia governor seat.

Suna East MP Junet Mohamed speaking at Gem, Siaya during Azimio campaigns on July 2,2022.
Suna East MP Junet Mohamed speaking at Gem, Siaya during Azimio campaigns on July 2,2022.
Image: Junet Mohamed/Twitter

Suna East MP Junet Mohammed now claims Azimio presidential candidate Raila Odinga might miss the presidential debate if key issues will not be discussed.

Speaking in Kitale stadium, Trans Nzoia, on Friday, Junet said if issues of integrity and corruption will not be discussed, then Raila has no business attending.

He said they will send Embakasi East MP Babu Owino to debate UDA presidential candidate William Ruto if the condition is not met.

"Raila will on go to the debate if the topics of discussion are integrity, corruption and governance. If it is anything else, we will send MP Babu Owino," he said.

On June 28, Raila Odinga said he has no qualms presenting himself for debate.

"I have participated before as you know. The other time I debated alone. So it will depend on the availability and preparations," he said.

"But I am always ready," the ODM leader added.

At the same rally, Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya said Raila has nothing to debate with UDA presidential candidate William Ruto as he is already ahead of him.

"Raila, wewe unashinda Ruto kabisa, ata hio debate wanasema uende sasa utakua unaenda kuongea na Ruto nini."

"Raila you are already ahead of Ruto, that debate they are saying you go, what exactly will you be debating about,? he asked.

Oparanya said he's confident that there will be six-piece voting for Azimio candidates in their strongholds

"Mjue watu wetu ambao wako hapa, hii ni serikali iko hapa, mnaona Francis Atwoli hapa, George Natembea, hii ni serikali iko hapa."

Oparanya went on to drum up support for Raila and Natembea who are vying for the Trans Nzoia governor seat.

The presidential debate is scheduled to take place on July 26, 2022, at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

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