Internal polls show Ruto ahead with 54 per cent - Mwaura

Mwaura dismissed the recent polls claiming they are cooked and choreographed.

In Summary

• Mwaura said the researchers are trying to manipulate the polls by increasing the undecided votes to 10 per cent.

• According to TIFA opinion polls released on Monday, Raila lead by 42 percent followed by Ruto with 39 percent.

Nominated Senator Isaac Mwaura
MWAURA: Nominated Senator Isaac Mwaura

Nominated senator Isaac Mwaura has claimed that Kenya Kwanza's internal opinion polls shows that William Ruto is ahead of his Azimio  opponent Raila Odinga.

Speaking at Citizen TV on Tuesday, Mwaura dismissed the recent opinion polls released by TIFA which show that Raila is ahead by 42 percent claiming they are cooked and choreographed.

"I do not agree with the opinion polls, there is a lot of cooking, our own internal polls are showing a different scenario. Ruto is ahead by 54 percent. The ones we are discussing here are cooked," he said.

Mwaura said the researchers are trying to manipulate the polls by increasing the undecided votes to 10 percent.

“In Kakamega Ruto is ahead with 40 percent, in Bungoma with 65 percent, Vihiga we are at over 50 percent. In Ukambani we are ahead with at least 30 percent. We are largely intact in Central and Rift Valley. Honestly, where are Raila's votes?" He said.

According to TIFA's opinion polls released on Monday, Raila was ahead with 42 percent followed by Ruto at 39 percent.

The polls also showed Roots party George Wajackoyah was at a distant third with 4 percent of the total votes.

The UDA presidential candidate has, in the past, told his supporters to ignore the opinion polls labelling them as 'fake'. 

On Monday, Ruto urged Kenyans to ignore the opinion polls citing they are manipulated in favour of his opponent Raila. 

He claimed Kenya Kwanza is performing better than Azimio la Umoja and that's why the coalition is having the polls doctored.

"They are only left with opinion polls. They have gotten a certain white man to manipulate the polls putting one candidate ahead of the other," he stated. 

He argued he has a better plan to revive the economy than Raila.

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