3 cops injured in IED attack in Garissa

This is the second incident in Lower Garissa region in a week

In Summary

• The officers were part of the security team that was escorting Ijara MP aspirant Ibrahim Abbas' convoy to Hulugho

• The gang behind the incident escaped into a thicket after the morning hours attack


At least three police officers were Sunday injured when a vehicle they were travelling in ran over an IED between Ijara-Sangole in Garissa. 

The officers were part of the security team that was escorting Ijara MP aspirant Ibrahim Abbas' convoy to Hulugho

The gang behind the incident escaped into a thicket after the morning hours attack

The injured were taken to hospital.

This is the second incident in Lower Garissa region in a week. On June 1, gunmen believed to be al Shabaab militants attacked and injured security personnel along the Bura-Garissa Road.

The gang also burnt a construction lorry on the same road before escaping in the Wednesday afternoon incident.

Officials said the gang first attacked a vehicle carrying Kenya Defence Forces personnel and injured one.

Other soldiers fought an unknown number of attackers before they retreated into the forest.

Three hours later, the gunmen targeted a construction lorry carrying two Chinese nationals and two police officers in Heyley.

They burnt the vehicle before fleeing.

The workers and police who managed to escape called for reinforcement and were later rescued. A Chinese company is constructing the Bura-Garissa road connecting Tana River and Kilifi counties.

There are fears militants are planning an attack on security agencies and civilians.

This has prompted security operations in Mandera, Wajir, Lamu and parts of Kilifi counties.

The area is near the Kenya-Somalia border, which is prone to terror attacks.

Edited by A.N

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