Bishop Muheria calls for peace at prayer breakfast meeting

He urged Kenyans to remain peaceful as the campaign season hits a fever pitch.

In Summary

•Muheria called upon political leaders to be the gatekeepers of peace.

•He urged religious leaders to pray for peace and tirelessly preach peace.

Bishop Anthony Muheria
Bishop Anthony Muheria

Religious and political leaders on Thursday met for the annual National Prayer Breakfast at Safari Park Hotel in Nairobi.

Bishop Anthony Muheria presided over the vent and urged Kenyans to remain peaceful as the campaign season hits a fever pitch.

Speaking during the National Prayer Breakfast, he also called upon political leaders to be the gatekeepers of peace in all places.

“As the people of Israel lost in the desert, Kenya is still lost in the wilderness of selfish interest, of glorified evil, of people living in fear of doing good, because it has become popular to do evil,” he said.

He urged Kenyans and politicians to be instruments of peace.

“We need to be leaders who sacrifice our ego. Our prayer is that you stick together just the way you have sat here today like brothers and sisters discussing matters pertaining to the welfare of citizens,” he said.

“Kenya deserves better, and we can all change for the better. The call for this national breakfast is that Grace changes our hearts from foul, to butterflies. Let us embrace peace and a heart of forgiveness.”

Muheria called upon religious leaders to pray for peace and tirelessly preach peace and intercede on behalf of the county and nation.

“Irrespective of political persuasion, the church stands for all. Also as religious leaders, let us commit ourselves to defend God’s gift of peace and be instruments of preaching peace,” he added.

Other religious leaders present were Anglican Church of Kenya Archbishop Jackson ole Sapit and the Association of Muslim Chaplains Sheikh Abdullahi.

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