Senators Wamatangi, Cherargei deny voter rigging claims

Cherargei said that Kuria mispronounced himself.

In Summary

• Wamatangi has defended Kuria saying, “I believe that was political talk that happens most of the time in political parties, but we did not rig any elections and we are not going to rig any.”

• Charargei has insisted that in Nandi County, there was no vote rigging for either President Uhuru or DP Ruto.

Kiambu Senator Kimani Wamatangi speaks to residents of Kamandura on March 10
Kiambu Senator Kimani Wamatangi speaks to residents of Kamandura on March 10

Two senators have dismissed remarks made by Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria over an alleged vote-rigging scheme.

Speaking to Citizen TV,  Senators Paul Wamatangi (Kiambu) and Samson Cherargei (Nandi) denied the claims that they played a role in the alleged vote-rigging.

The two said they are not aware of the claims made by the controversial MP.

“I wasn’t there when votes were being stolen. We didn’t rig an election,” Wamatangi said. 

“For the record let me say, we have not and did not rig any elections,” he insisted.

Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei.
OPINIONATED: Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei.

Senator Cherargei, on the other hand, said that the Gatundu South MP mispronounced himself.

“I think Kuria himself has clarified that he meant tuliimbia (we sang) Uhuru Kenyatta with this famous guy, I’m forgetting his name,” he said.

He has insisted that in Nandi County, there were no vote-rigging incidences.

“I want to confirm to you in Nandi, there was never any single vote that was stolen,” he said.

This comes after Kuria during the UDA National Delegates Conference at Kasarani on Tuesday said 'they rigged votes for Uhuru'.

On Wednesday, IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati announced that the Commission is set to investigate Kuria’s claims.

"We are aware of what he said but people always have their versions of what they said. So our investigation team is probing before we summon him," Chebukati said.

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