Moi University now threatens to sack striking doctors

Crisis in Moi as medic-lecturers strike enters day 48

In Summary
  • The KMPDU officials said most of the lecturers had received suspension or show cause letters from the university in a bid to force them to end the strike.
  • The more than 200 doctors are also demanding remittance of another Sh70 million statutory deductions withheld by the university.
Some of the medical students speaking to press in Eldoret
STRIKE Some of the medical students speaking to press in Eldoret

Moi University has threatened to sack more than 200 doctor-lecturers at its medical school in Eldoret.

The doctor-lecturers have been on strike since November last year.

The strike has now entered day 48. The Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Union has insisted it will not call off the strike that has paralysed learning at the medical school.

The medics are demanding more than Sh200 million clinical allowances withheld by the university for the last two years.

KMPDU officials in the North Rift led by chairman Dr Darwin Amuka and secretary Dr Kamunzi Mulei have said they would stay on strike despite intimidation and sack threats by the university.

The KMPDU officials said most of the lecturers had received suspension or show cause letters from the university in a bid to force them to end the strike.

“Many of us have received threat letters but we want to tell the management that such action will not work. Our industrial action is well protected and we followed all due procedure," said Ambuka.

Officials at the medical school declined to comment on the matter.

Ambuka said they had evidence that the money they are demanding was released to the university management two years ago by the Treasury.

“They misused the money and now want to use threats to intimidate us but that will not work," said Ambuka.

Vice Chancellor of the university professor Isaac Kosgey had promised that the matter would be resolved but the medics say they are yet to receive any money or communication and hence the strike will continue .

“We will remain on strike no matter how long it takes until the money is released," said Dr Mulei.

The more than 200 doctors are also demanding remittance of another Sh70 million statutory deductions withheld by the university.

The officials have also petitioned CS for Education Professor George Magoha to intervene in the row and ensure the university pays what the lecturers are demanding.

Student leaders at the medical school have also threatened to organise demonstrations in Eldoret if the strike is not resolved.

Leader of medical students Jin Rayan Wandia said their studies have been disrupted frequently due to the unending strikes making most of them unable to complete their courses and graduate.

“Currently I am a 5th year medical student but am now on my eighth year of study and with what we are going through we may still spend more years here," said Wandia.

The medical school has more than 200 students.

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