Former Dubai Bank boss, ex-KQ staff charged over Sh512m fraud

Alleged theft happened between January 1, 2013 and December 30, 2015 at an unknown place.

In Summary
  • Zubedi was charged alonside Elijah Githinji, Grace Mathenge, Jane Kiboi, Jackson Njiiri and Elias Kyalo Ngai with conspiring to steal Sh 521, 939,870 the property of KQ.

  • They all denied the charges before senior principal magistrate Robert Ondieki are out on a cash bail of Sh300,000.
Milimani law courts.
MILIMANI: Milimani law courts.
Image: FILE

Former Dubai Bank chairman Hassan Zubedi was on Tuesday charged afresh alongside five former employees of Kenya Airways with conspiracy to steal over Sh521 million.

Zubedi was charged alongside Elijah Githinji, Grace Mathenge, Jane Kiboi, Jackson Njiiri and Elias Kyalo Ngai with conspiring to steal Sh 521, 939,870 the property of KQ.

The alleged theft happened between January 1, 2013 and December 30, 2015 at an unknown place, jointly with others not before court.

The six were further accused of money laundering, to wit, engaging in fraudulent cash transaction on the same dates at Dubai Bank Ltd in Nairobi county jointly with others not before court.

Their actions led Kenya Airways to lose Sh521,939,870.

Zubedi is also facing a solo charge of stealing Sh8,500,000, the property of KQ between April 13 and May 27, 2015 at Dubai Bank Ltd Eastleigh.

The court further heard that on or before April 4, 2015 at unknown place, Githinji with others not before court with intent to defraud, forged Citibank account advice report for Sh 21,949,849 and Sh 13,500,000.

They claimed them to be genuine and valid account statement advice reports of the above account, a fact he knew was false.

They all denied the charges before senior principal magistrate Robert Ondieki and are out on a cash bail of Sh300,000.

Meanwhile, a woman accused of obtaining Sh1.7 million from a businesswoman by pretending that she would invest for her online was on Tuesday charged before a Milimani court.

Jane Wanjira was accused that between January 10, 2020 and March 11, 2020 within Nairobi county, with intent to defraud, obtained Sh 1.7 million from Lucy Chege.

She falsely pretending that she was in a position to invest for her an online trading business where she would earn 20 per cent monthly interest of that amount, knowing to be false.

Wanjira was charged in another count of obtaining money by false pretence against the law.

She was accused that on January 16, 2020 in Nairobi, with intent to defraud, obtained Sh300,000 from Lucy by falsely pretending that she was in a position to build her a plot as LATTAK organisation, a fact she knew to be false.

Wanjira denied the charges before senior principal magistrate Benard Ochoi  and was released on Sh300,000 cash bail.

The case will be mentioned on January 25.

(edited by Amol Awuor)

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