Raila welcomes back ex-MPs as he consolidates Nyanza backyard ahead of 2022

ODM sufficiently reformed to guarantee free and fair primaries

In Summary

• A consolidated backyard gives the opposition chief a stable footing in the BBI contests and future elections.

• Raila says the former members rejoined the party without "any prompting, blackmail or coercion".

ODM leader Raila Odinga has stepped up efforts to consolidate his Nyanza backyard by shepherding former party members to the orange fold. 

The opposition chief on Wednesday tactically lured back former legislators Jakoyo Midiwo (Gem), Oyugi Magwanga (Kasipul Kabondo), Omondi Mulwan (Alego Usonga), Omondi Anyanga (Nyatike), Elizabeth Ongoro (Kasarani) and Reuben Ndolo (Makadara).

The party has assured members that it is sufficiently reformed to guarantee free and fair primaries in future polls.

Raila told the press after meeting the former members at Chungwa House that the politicians had rejoined the party without "any prompting, blackmail or coercion".

"They have resolved to rejoin the party [as] they believe that this is the party that represents the future of this country and hence want to make their contribution for its success," he said. 

Some of the leaders have substantial ground support to give the orange party considerable clout in future polls. 

In the last elections, the rivalry between Magwanga and Homa Bay Governor Cyprian Awiti almost cost the party the strategic seat with the former claiming he was rigged out in the primaries. 

The thinking behind the opposition chief's welcome gesture is that a consolidated backyard gives him a strong foothold in the BBI contest and the ensuing elections. 

One after the other, the former lawmakers yesterday pledged loyalty to the party, asserting that they had forgiven it since the 2017 experience. 

"We have always been members of the party," former nominated senator Ongoro said, asserting that they had always shared its ideals.

"I have always believed in the ideals of the party. I'm back after having a long conversation with the party leadership," she said. 

Ongoro had defected to the Musalia Mudavadi-led ANC after being edged out of the ODM primaries by Ruaraka MP TJ Kajwang' in 2017. She unsuccessfully vied for the seat on an ANC ticket. 

Mulwan said they had discussed with Raila the need for one centre of power during party nominations to avoid foul play and confusion.

"I was rigged out in the last primaries. But we have been assured by the party leader that all efforts have been put to clean that mess," he said, referring to the spirited reforms the party had instituted post-2017 shambolic nominations.

Midiwo said the discussion with Raila centred on the need to unify the party "as it looks into the future" and that "any difference be sorted out internally."

He said they had reconciled and "agreed that  any problem should be sorted out from within, not outside."

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