Six Chinese isolated in Kitui free of coronavirus, say officials

Says that they will not be allowed to interact with members of the public yet until each of them has completed 21 days

In Summary

• Kitui Health chief officer Richard Muthoka said tests have shown that they do not suffer from the deadly coronavirus.

• The employees of Chinese Sinohydro Corporation were isolated on February 16 and 17.  

Kitui County health chief officer Richard Muthoka at the Mutomo Sinohydro campsite on Tuesday.
Kitui County health chief officer Richard Muthoka at the Mutomo Sinohydro campsite on Tuesday.

Six Chinese men who went on self-quarantine in Mutomo in Kitui two weeks ago do not pose any health threat, county health authorities have said.

Kitui Health chief officer Richard Muthoka said tests have shown that they do not suffer from the deadly coronavirus.

The employees of Chinese Sinohydro Corporation were isolated on February 16 and 17.  

He said that they will not be allowed to interact with members of the public yet until each of them has completed 21 days in isolation.


One has been in quarantine for 17 days while the other five were in isolation for 14 days. 

On Tuesday, Muthoka visited the Mutomo campsite to see how they were doing.

Muthoka said that a surveillance team headed by the medical officer in Mutomo subcounty Paul Kibati had confirmed that men were in good health. 

“I have also personally seen them, they are healthy and talking. They have said they are fine,” Muthoka said.

He was accompanied by the Sinohydro acting project manager Zeng Yuh. 

The official said all precautionary measures have been put in place to ensure that other workers who interact with them are safe. 


Muthoka said  Kenyans should be discouraged from thinking that only people travelling from China pose a health risk. 

The coronavirus has spread in more than 10 countries across the world, he said. 

The official said that those travelling from other countries where cases of coronavirus have been reported should also self-quarantine once they come back to Kenya.

He said the same should happen with Kenyans who come to close contact with people arriving from countries affected by the coronavirus.

(edited by O. Owino)

Kitui county chief officer for health Richard Muthoka with the Sinohydro acting project manager Zeng Yuh at the firm's Mutomo campsite on Tuesday.
Kitui county chief officer for health Richard Muthoka with the Sinohydro acting project manager Zeng Yuh at the firm's Mutomo campsite on Tuesday.
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