Magoha: Stick to your guns and insist on Nemis

In Summary
  • Education CS George Magoha has refused to relent and allow school administrators to use the manipulatable manual system to register students. 
  • They just want to bypass the Nemis 'truth meter' so they can inflate student numbers. That shouldn't be allowed to happen.
Education CS George Magoha.
Education CS George Magoha.

Tough-talking Education Cabinet Secretary Geoge Magoha this week announced that no primary or secondary school will receive money unless all students have been registered in the new digital platform — the National Education Management Information System — Nemis.

His statement was prompted by reports that recalcitrant Eduction bosses in the counties would collect data manually from schools for onward transmission to Jogoo House, thence to Treasury. Sticky fingered administrators hate Nemis. 

It is gratifying Magoha said in no uncertain terms there is no going back to the manipulatable manual system.


Headteachers and parents have had more than one year to register children in the new Nemis system. The strict birth certificate requirement has been relaxed and students are now registered with admission numbers. 

School administrators claiming not all students are registered are ill-motivated enemies of the digital era.

Unscrupulous administrators are never short of excuses to retain the old system allowing them to exaggerate the number of students and in the process pocket large sums of public money.

The ministry describes Nemis as a "truth-meter" that provides accurate and reliable information about student numbers.

We urge Magoha to remain steadfast in the fight to transform the ministry and rid schools of corruption.

Quote of the Day: “Work for something because it is good, not just because it stands a chance to succeed.” 

Václav Havel

The Czech politician and author died on December 18, 2011

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