What to look out for when Census staff knock on your door

In Summary

• If the individual claiming to be an enumerator cannot produce an identification document, you should be immediately suspicious and not allow them entry onto your property.

• If you are alone on August 24/25 and not comfortable with the enumerator at your residence, suggest they return another day.

The 2009 census report that was launched at the KICC in Nairobi. /FILE
The 2009 census report that was launched at the KICC in Nairobi. /FILE
Image: FILE

From Saturday, August 24, the process of counting all persons within the borders of Kenya will begin from 6 pm to 10 pm.

The national census will take a week, ending on August 31.

About 170,000 enumerators and supervisors have been recruited to work in this year’s Housing and Population Census.


Enumerators will ask questions in a roughly 30-minute interview depending on the household size.

The Kenya National Bureau of Statistics has cautioned Kenyans on how to identify genuine enumerators facilitating this year's census.

In a statement on Thursday, KNBS said the country has been divided into enumeration areas, each with an average of 100 households.

Each enumeration area will be served by one enumerator who may be accompanied by two or more staff.

"In most instances, there will be three persons conducting the census at each location. In some locations in Kenya, security may escort the census team, "reads the statement.


KNBS Director in charge of Population and social statistics Macdonald Obudho said all census enumerators and supervisors will be issued an official identity badge with name and ID number.


The badges, he said, will have the government, KNBS, and census logo.


The census staff will also wear orange and maroon reflector jackets with the government, KNBS and Census logo.

"The  ICT Supervisor who will accompany the enumerator in case of ICT issues will be wearing a maroon fluorescent jacket," Obudho said.

At the back of the jackets will be the census motto 'jitokeze uhesabike'.

In rural areas, Village elders or community leaders who are easily identified by the community will accompany the census sta during counting.


In this year's census for the first time, all the data required will be captured electronically through a tablet computer. 

Obudho said the enumerators in charge of the interview sessions will have a CAPI tablet with the KNBS logo at the back.

Kenyans will be asked questions regarding their age, sex, ethnicity, nationality, religion, marital status and county of birth.

 The questions will then be loaded on to the gadget and the whole enumeration process will, therefore, be paperless.

Any visitors to your house on August 24,25 night will also be counted.

After enumeration, a number will be written on the door, gate or other visible places to indicate that counting has been conducted. Do not erase the number.


Interior CS Fred Matiang'i on Wednesday ordered for all bars countrywide to be closed by 5 pm on August 24/25 to facilitate the census exercise.

Speaking to the Star on phone, Government spokesman Cyrus Oguna confirmed the directive that the bars will be closed to facilitate census.

"All bars should be closed by 5 pm on Saturday and Sunday for the census," he said.

Oguna, however, said that lodgings will remain open.

KNBS has said that the security agencies are fully involved and are part of the national and county census committees.

All National Police Officers on Tuesday were asked to report back to work to facilitate the census exercise scheduled to start on Saturday.

In a statement by the Deputy Inspector General of Police, police officers have been directed to report back to their work stations.

"Please note that you are all directed to ensure that all officers on leave are asked to report back to their duty stations by Thursday, August 22," the statement read.

He said police officers will resume their leave at a later date.


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