Ken Okoth's body will be handled as Matiba's was - Raila

In Summary

• The family is involved in a tussle over whether he should be cremated or buried.

• Okoth succumbed to late-diagnosed colorectal cancer on Friday last week at the Nairobi Hospital.

Former Kibera MP Ken Okoth.
Former Kibera MP Ken Okoth.
Image: FILE

Former Kibra MP Ken Okoth's body will be handled the same way former presidential candidate Kenneth Matiba's was handled, ODM leader Raila Odinga has said.

During a press briefing to notify Kenyans on the plans on Wednesday, Raila said that after the prayer service and public body viewing on Saturday at Got-Rateng' Secondary School in Kabondo-Kasipul, "the body will be handed to the family for disposal."

He added that the body will be handled "in the same way as that of Kenneth Matiba."


The body of former presidential candidate Kenneth Matiba was cremated at a private function in line with his wishes.

Okoth's family is entangled in a tussle over whether to cremate or bury the body.

His wife is for cremation, saying he verbally communicated his wishes as such.

However, Okoth's mother, Angelina, is against the idea and has threatened to boycott the process if cremation is chosen.

A memorial service was on Wednesday held for former Okoth at Starehe Boys Centre.

Okoth succumbed to late-diagnosed colorectal cancer on Friday last week at the Nairobi Hospital.

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