Dennis Itumbi cries foul over 'link' to DP Ruto 'assassination' letter

In Summary

•The letter was dated May 30,2019

• Investigations into the alleged 'assassination' letter  still on going.

Dennis Itumbi
Dennis Itumbi

Dennis Itumbi has lashed out at the Daily Nation newspaper over an article he alleges indirectly and erroneously links him to an 'assassination' letter against Deputy President William Ruto.

Itumbi is the secretary digital, innovations and diaspora communications and is based at the Deputy President’s office in Harambee Annex.

The newspaper carried an article on Sunday which said two of Ruto's aides are being sought by the DCI on suspicion they circulated the letter. It said the two are from the communications department.

"They mentioned where the communication officers allegedly being sought work. We are about 10. None of us got a call or a text. Copy and paste journalism from unnamed sources who lie, should not find a home," Itumbi said.

He went on, "Journalism is at its lowest form, when @dailynation pens a story and reproduces allegation after allegation - but does not bother to call or text any of the communication officers in the Presidency they claim are being sought by @DCI_Kenya and are in hiding. Objective verification."

The article went on to say the two officers from Ruto's office had their phones off over the weekend and that one of the aides left Nairobi over the weekend for fear of being arrested.

Last week, DCI officers investigating the letter allegedly by an unknown CS said they were exploring the theory that the alleged assassination plot against Ruto could be a hoax.

The officers told the Star that they had traced the source of the letter and were about to summon those they suspect authored it.

"We are pretty confident that we are about to find those behind the letter. All we can tell you is that no cabinet secretary wrote the letter," one of the officers said.

The investigations have, however, been slowed down by the fact that Ruto who claimed there is a plot to kill him is yet to record a statement.

Ruto is reported to have raised the matter with President Uhuru Kenyatta who then asked DCI boss George Kinoti to investigate the claims.

"We are waiting to record the DP's statement and that will give us a chance to properly investigate this serious matter which we hope to conclude within the shortest time possible," Kinoti said.

The letter is at the centre of the drama that has hit President Uhuru Kenyatta's Cabinet.

The letter is alleged to have been drafted and printed in a cybercafe on Lang’ata Road.

The letter was what led to the summoning of three CSs by the Directorate of Criminal Investigations lastMonday.

The author of the alleged letter dated May 30, 2019 claimed that a meeting had been convened at Hotel La Mada to discuss how to "shore up support for the President in Mt. Kenya and its diaspora."

Also on the agenda was "proposed referendum" and "go on the offensive against Deputy President William Ruto.

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